3.43 record
Element type |
record |
Attributes |
beep | cond | dest | dtmfterm | expr | finalsilence | maxtime | modal | name | type |
Parents |
form |
Children |
PCDATA | audio | catch | enumerate | error | filled | grammar | help | noinput | nomatch | prompt | property | value |
Description |
The record element is a form item that asks the caller a question in a fashion similar to a field element, but instead of interpreting this response with a grammar it simply records the caller's response to to some resource (e.g. a file, RAM, etc.) associated with the value of the record element's name attribute. This recording can be passed to a server by including the record's form item variable in the namelist attribute of a submit or subdialog element. After the interpreter visits the record element it will also set several shadow variables associated with this element's form item variable:
<!ELEMENT record (%audio; | %event.handler; | filled | grammar | prompt | property)* > <!ATTLIST record %item.attrs; type CDATA #IMPLIED beep %boolean; 'false' dest %uri; #IMPLIED maxtime %duration; #IMPLIED modal %boolean; 'true' finalsilence %duration; #IMPLIED dtmfterm %boolean; 'true' >
Language model

beep : boolean = false
Indicates whether the interpreter should play a beep before recording.
cond : expression = true
A guard condition associated with this form item, written as an ECMAScript expression. This expression must evaluate to true for the Form Interpretation Algorithm to visit this form item.
dest : uri
Indicates a remote location for storing the recorded audio. The destination URI must be able to receive an audio stream. It must also allow for the retrieval of that audio in case this record element's form item variable is used in a submit or subdialog element's namelist attribute. If the latter capability fails, the interpreter will throw an error.semantic event.
dtmfterm : boolean = true
Indicates whether a DTMF tone would terminate the recording.
expr : expression = undefined
An ECMAScript expression defining an initial value for this form item. The Form Interpretation Algorithm will visit record only if the expression evaluates to undefined.
finalsilence: duration
Indicates the duration of silence to be interpreted as the end of the recording.
maxtime : duration
The maximum duration to record (e.g. 10s, 7500ms, etc.).
modal : boolean = true
Indicates whether other grammars are active while recording. If false, other grammars will be active. If true, no recognition capabilities will be activated during recording.
name : field.name
The name associated with this form item. When the caller fills this form-item, by producing an utterance that matches that item's grammar, the value will be stored in a variable of this name visible from within the containing form element.
type : CDATA
The MIME type of the resulting audio file. While the supported values for type are platform-specific, the types shown inTable 3-3 must be supported by all Voice XML platforms.
Table 3-3. VoiceXML 2.0 supported audio MIME types
MIME type |
Description |
audio/basic |
Raw (headerless) 8 kHz 8-bit mono mu-law [PCM] single channel (G.711). |
audio/x-alaw-basic |
Raw (headerless) 8 kHz 8-bit mono A-law [PCM] single channel (G.711). |
audio/wav |
WAV (RIFF header) 8 kHz 8-bit mono mu-law [PCM] single channel. |
audible elements
Indicate the audio to be played before starting the recording.
event.handler elements
Provide event handlers active only during the record element's invocation.
Contains executable content invoked when the recording has completed.
Specifies a grammar to be active during the prompt and recording phase (if supported).
Specifies a prompt to be played to the caller before the recording begins.
Specifies a property setting local to this record element's invocation.
Example 3-54 A dialog that records and plays back a message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <vxml version="2.0"> <form id="callback"> <record name="msg" beep="true" finalsilence="3000ms" dtmfterm="true"> <prompt>Please start your message after the beep. When you are finished press star for more options.</prompt> </record> <field name="confirm" type="boolean"> <prompt> Here is the message you recorded <break/> <value expr="msg"/> Do you want to keep this message? </prompt> <filled> <if cond="confirm=='false'"> <prompt>Deleting your message.</prompt> <clear namelist="msg confirm"/> <reprompt/> </if> </filled> </field> <filled> <prompt>Thank you.</prompt> <submit next="http://example.com/processMsg.jsp" amelist="msg"/> </filled> </form> </vxml>