Role-Based Access Control in Computer Security
Traditional DAC systems define the access rights of individual users and groups of users. In contrast, RBAC is based on the roles that users assume in a system rather than the user’s identity. Typically, RBAC models define a role as a job function within an organization. RBAC systems assign access rights to roles instead of individual users. In turn, users are assigned to different roles, either statically or dynamically, according to their responsibilities.
RBAC now enjoys widespread commercial use and remains an area of active research. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has issued a standard, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules (FIPS PUB 140-2, May 25, 2001), that requires support for access control and administration through roles.
The relationship of users to roles is many to many, as is the relationship of roles to resources, or system objects (Figure 4.7). The set of users changes, in some environments frequently, and the assignment of a user to one or more roles may also be dynamic. The set of roles in the system in most environments is likely to be static, with only occasional additions or deletions. Each role will have specific access rights to one or more resources. The set of resources and the specific access rights associated with a particular role are also likely to change infrequently.

Figure 4.7 UNIX File Access Control Users, Roles, and Resources
We can use the access matrix representation to depict the key elements of an RBAC system in simple terms, as shown in Figure 4.8. The upper matrix relates individual users to roles. Typically there are many more users than roles. Each matrix entry is either blank or marked, the latter indicating that this user is assigned to this role. Note that a single user may be assigned multiple roles (more than one mark in a row) and that multiple users may be assigned to a single role (more than one mark in a column). The lower matrix has the same structure as the DAC access control matrix, with roles as subjects. Typically, there are few roles and many objects, or resources. In this matrix the entries are the specific access rights enjoyed by the roles. Note that a role can be treated as an object, allowing the definition of role hierarchies.

Figure 4.8 UNIX File Access Control Access Control Matrix Representation of RBAC
RBAC lends itself to an effective implementation of the principle of least privilege, referred to in Section 4.1. Each role should contain the minimum set of access rights needed for that role. A user is assigned to a role that enables him or her to perform only what is required for that role. Multiple users assigned to the same role, enjoy the same minimal set of access rights.
RBAC Reference Models
A variety of functions and services can be included under the general RBAC approach. To clarify the various aspects of RBAC, it is useful to define a set of abstract models of RBAC functionality.
[SAND 96] defines a family of reference models that has served as the basis for ongoing standardization efforts. This family consists of four models that are related to each other as shown in Figure 4.9a. and Table 4.3. RBAC

Figure 4.9 A Family of Role-Based Access Control ModelsRBAC
Source: [SAND96]
Table 4.3 Scope RBAC Models
Models | Hierarchies | Constraints |
No | No |
Yes | No |
No | Yes |
Yes | Yes |
Base ModelRBAC0
Figure 4.9b, without the role hierarchy and constraints, contains the four types of entities in an RBAC
- User: An individual that has access to this computer system. Each individual has an associated user ID.
- Role: A named job function within the organization that controls this computer system. Typically, associated with each role is a description of the authority and responsibility conferred on this role, and on any user who assumes this role.
- Permission: An approval of a particular mode of access to one or more objects. Equivalent terms are access right, privilege, and authorization.
- Session: A mapping between a user and an activated subset of the set of roles to which the user is assigned.
The solid lines in Figure 4.9b indicate relationships, or mappings, with a single arrowhead indicating one and a double arrowhead indicating many. Thus, there is a many-to-many relationship between users and roles: One user may have multiple roles, and multiple users may be assigned to a single role. Similarly, there is a many-to-many relationship between roles and permissions. A session is used to define a temporary one-to-many relationship between a user and one or more of the roles to which the user has been assigned. The user establishes a session with only the roles needed for a particular task; this is an example of the concept of least privilege.
The many-to-many relationships between users and roles and between roles and permissions provide a flexibility and granularity of assignment not found in conventional DAC schemes. Without this flexibility and granularity, there is a greater risk that a user may be granted more access to resources than is needed because of the limited control over the types of access that can be allowed. The NIST RBAC document gives the following examples: Users may need to list directories and modify existing files without creating new files, or they may need to append records to a file without modifying existing records.
Role HierarchiesRBAC1
Role hierarchies provide a means of reflecting the hierarchical structure of roles in an organization. Typically, job functions with greater responsibility have greater authority to access resources. A subordinate job function may have a subset of the access rights of the superior job function. Role hierarchies make use of the concept of inheritance to enable one role to implicitly include access rights associated with a subordinate role.
Figure 4.10 is an example of a diagram of a role hierarchy. By convention, subordinate roles are lower in the diagram. A line between two roles implies that the upper role includes all of the access rights of the lower role, as well as other access rights not available to the lower role. One role can inherit access rights from multiple subordinate roles. For example, in Figure 4.10 , the Project Lead role includes all of the access rights of the Production Engineer role and of the Quality Engineer role. More than one role can inherit from the same subordinate role. For example, both the Production Engineer role and the Quality Engineer role include all of the access rights of the Engineer role. Additional access rights are also assigned to the Production Engineer Role and a different set of additional access rights are assigned to the Quality Engineer role. Thus, these two roles have overlapping access rights, namely the access rights they share with the Engineer role.

Figure 4.10 Example of Role Hierarchy
Constraints provide a means of adapting RBAC to the specifics of administrative and security policies in an organization. A constraint is a defined relationship among roles or a condition related to roles. [SAND96] lists the following types of constraints: mutually exclusive roles, cardinality, and prerequisite roles.
Mutually exclusive roles are roles such that a user can be assigned to only one role in the set. This limitation could be a static one, or it could be dynamic, in the sense that a user could be assigned only one of the roles in the set for a session. The mutually exclusive constraint supports a separation of duties and capabilities within an organization. This separation can be reinforced or enhanced by use of mutually exclusive permission assignments on the same set. With this additional constraint, a mutually exclusive set of roles has the following properties:
A user can only be assigned to one role in the set (either during a session or statically).
Any permission (access right) can be granted to only one role in the set.
Thus the set of mutually exclusive roles have non-overlapping permissions. If two users are assigned to different roles in the set, then the users have non-overlapping permissions while assuming those roles. The purpose of mutually exclusive roles is to increase the difficulty of collusion among individuals of different skills or divergent job functions to thwart security policies.
Cardinality refers to setting a maximum number with respect to roles. One such constraint is to set a maximum number of users that can be assigned to a given role. For example, a project leader role or a department head role would typically be limited to a single user. The system could also impose a constraint on the number of roles that a user is assigned to, or the number of roles a user can activate for a single session. Another form of constraint is to set a maximum number of roles that can be granted a particular permission; this might be desirable for a sensitive or powerful permission.
A system might be able to specify a prerequisite, which dictates that a user can only be assigned to a particular role if it is already assigned to some other specified role. A prerequisite can be used to structure the implementation of the least privilege concept. In a hierarchy, it might be required that a user can be assigned to a senior (higher) role only if it is already assigned an immediately junior (lower) role. For example, in Figure 4.10 a user assigned to a Project Lead role must also be assigned to the subordinate Production Engineer and Quality Engineer roles. Then, if the user does not need all of the permissions of the Project Lead role for a given task, the user can invoke a session using only the required subordinate role. Note that the use of prerequisites tied to the concept of hierarchy requires the RBAC
In 2001, NIST proposed a consensus model for RBAC, based on the original work in [SAND96] and later contributions. The model was further refined within the RBAC community and has been adopted by the American National Standards Institute, International Committee for Information Technology Standards (ANSI/INCITS) as ANSI INCITS 359–2004.
The main innovation of the NIST standard is the introduction of the RBAC System and Administrative Functional Specification, which defines the features required for an RBAC system. This specification has a number of benefits. The specification provides a functional benchmark for vendors, indicating which capabilities must be provided to the user and the general programming interface for those functions. The specification guides users in developing requirements documents and in evaluating vendor products in a uniform fashion. The specification also provides a baseline system on which researchers and implementers can build enhanced features. The specification defines features, or functions, in three categories:
- Administrative functions: Provide the capability to create, delete, and maintain RBAC elements and relations
- Supporting system functions: Provide functions for session management and for making access control decisions
- Review functions: Provide the capability to perform query operations on RBAC elements and relations
Examples of these functions are presented in the following discussion.
The NIST RBAC model comprises four model components (Figure 4.11: core RBAC, hierarchical RBAC, static separation of duty (SSD) relations, and dynamic separation of duty (DSD) relations. The last two components correspond to the constraints component of the model of Figure 4.9.

Figure 4.11 NIST RBAC Model
The elements of core RBAC are the same as those of RBAC
- Object: Any system resource subject to access control, such as a file, printer, terminal, database record, and so on
- Operation: An executable image of a program, which upon invocation executes some function for the user
- Permission: An approval to perform an operation on one or more RBAC protected objects
The administrative functions for Core RBAC include the following: add and delete users from the set of users; add and delete roles from the set of roles; create and delete instances of user-to-role assignment; and create and delete instances of permission-to-role assignment. The supporting system functions include the following: create a user session with a default set of active roles; add an active role to a session; delete a role from a session; and check if the session subject has permission to perform a request operation on an object. The review functions enable an administrator to view all the elements of the model and their relations, including users, roles, user assignments, role assignments, and session elements.
Core RBAC is a minimal model that captures the common features found in the current generation of RBAC systems.
Hierarchical RBAC
Hierarchical RBAC includes the concept of inheritance described for RBAC
The NIST model defines two types of role hierarchies:
- General role hierarchies: Allow an arbitrary partial ordering of the role hierarchy. In particular, this type supports multiple inheritance, in which a role may inherit permissions from multiple subordinate roles and more than one role can inherit from the same subordinate role.
- Limited role hierarchies: Impose restrictions resulting in a simpler tree structure. The limitation is that a role may have one or more immediate ascendants but is restricted to a single immediate descendant.
The rationale for role hierarchies is that the inheritance property greatly simplifies the task of defining permission relationships. Roles can have overlapping permissions, which means that users belonging to different roles may have some shared permissions. In addition, it is typical in an organization that there are many users that share a set of common permissions, cutting across many organizational levels. To avoid the necessity of defining numerous roles from scratch to accommodate various users, role hierarchies are used in a number of commercial implementations. General role hierarchies provide the most powerful tool for this purpose. The standard incorporates limited role hierarchies, which are also useful, to allow for a simpler implementation of role hierarchies.
Hierarchical RBAC adds four new administrative functions to Core RBAC: add a new immediate inheritance relationship between two existing roles; delete an existing immediate inheritance relationship; create a new role and add it as an immediate ascendant of an existing role; and create a new role and add it as animmediate descendant of an existing relationship. The hierarchical RBAC review functions enable the administrator to view the permissions and users associated with each role either directly or by inheritance.
Static Separation of Duty Relations
SSD and DSD are two components that add constraints to the NIST RBAC model. The constraints are in the form of separation of duty relations, used to enforce conflict of interest policies that organizations may employ to prevent users from exceeding a reasonable level of authority for their positions.
SSD enables the definition of a set of mutually exclusive roles, such that if a user is assigned to one role in the set, the user may not be assigned to any other role in the set. In addition, SSD can place a cardinality constraint on a set of roles. A cardinality constraint associated with a set of roles is a number greater than one specifying a combination of roles that would violate the SSD policy. For example, the permissions associated with the purchasing function could be organized as a set of four roles, with the constraint the no user may be assigned more than three roles in the set. A concise definition of SSD is that SSD is defined as a pair (role set, n) where no user is assigned to n or more roles from the role set.
SSD includes administrative functions for creating and deleting role sets and adding and deleting role members. It also includes review functions for viewing the properties of existing SSD sets.
Dynamic Separation of Duty Relations
As with SSD, DSD relations limit the permissions available to a user. DSD specifications limit the availability of the permissions by placing constraints on the roles that can be activated within or across a user’s sessions. DSD relations define constraints as a pair (role set, n), where n is a natural number n [&|geqns|&] 2, with the property that no user session may activate n or more roles from the role set.
DSD enables the administrator to specify certain capabilities for a user at different, non-overlapping spans of time. As with SSD, DSD includes administrative and review functions for defining and viewing DSD relations.