Static Analysis as Part of the Code Review Process
- 3.1 Performing a Code Review
- 3.2 Adding Security Review to an Existing Development Process
- 3.3 Static Analysis Metrics
- Summary
- In preparing for battle, plans are useless but planning is indispensable.
- —Dwight Eisenhower
There's a lot to know about how static analysis tools work. There's probably just as much to know about making static analysis tools work as part of a secure development process. In this respect, tools that assist with security review are fundamentally different than most other kinds of software development tools. A debugger, for example, doesn't require any organization-wide planning to be effective. An individual programmer can run it when it's needed, obtain results, and move on to another programming task. But the need for software security rarely creates the kind of urgency that leads a programmer to run a debugger. For this reason, an organization needs a plan for who will conduct security reviews, when the reviews will take place, and how to act on the results. Static analysis tools should be part of the plan because they can make the review process significantly more efficient.
Code review is a skill. In the first part of this chapter, we look at what that skill entails and outline the steps involved in performing a code review. We pay special attention to the most common snag that review teams get hung up on: debates about exploitability. In the second part of the chapter, we look at who needs to develop the code review skill and when they need to apply it. Finally, we look at metrics that can be derived from static analysis results.
3.1 Performing a Code Review
A security-focused code review happens for a number of different reasons:
- Some reviewers start out with the need to find a few exploitable vulnerabilities to prove that additional security investment is justified.
- For every large project that didn't begin with security in mind, the team eventually has to make an initial pass through the code to do a security retrofit.
- At least once in every release period, every project should receive a security review to account for new features and ongoing maintenance work.
Of the three, the second requires by far the largest amount of time and energy. Retrofitting a program that wasn't written to be secure can be a considerable amount of work. Subsequent reviews of the same piece of code will be easier. The initial review likely will turn up many problems that need to be addressed. Subsequent reviews should find fewer problems because programmers will be building on a stronger foundation.
Steve Lipner estimates that at Microsoft security activities consume roughly 20% of the release schedule the first time a product goes through Microsoft's Security Development Lifecycle. In subsequent iterations, security requires less than 10% of the schedule [Lipner, 2006]. Our experience with the code review phase of the security process is similar—after the backlog of security problems is cleared out, keeping pace with new development requires much less effort.
The Review Cycle
We begin with an overview of the code review cycle and then talk about each phase in detail. The four major phases in the cycle are:
- Establish goals
- Run the static analysis tool
- Review code (using output from the tool)
- Make fixes
Figure 3.1 shows a few potential back edges that make the cycle a little more complicated than a basic box step. The frequency with which the cycle is repeated depends largely upon the goals established in the first phase, but our experience is that if a first iteration identifies more than a handful of security problems, a second iteration likely will identify problems too.

Figure 3.1 The code review cycle.
Later in the chapter, we discuss when to perform code review and who should do the reviewing, but we put forth a typical scenario here to set the stage. Imagine the first iteration of the cycle being carried out midway through the time period allocated for coding. Assume that the reviewers are programmers who have received security training.
1. Establish Goals
A well-defined set of security goals will help prioritize the code that should be reviewed and criteria that should be used to review it. Your goals should come from an assessment of the software risks you face. We sometimes hear sweeping high-level objectives along these lines:
"If it can be reached from the Internet, it has to be reviewed before it's released."
- "If it handles money, it has to be reviewed at least once a year."
We also talk to people who have more specific tactical objectives in mind. A short-term focus might come from a declaration:
"We can't fail our next compliance audit. Make sure the auditor gives us a clean bill of health."
- "We've been embarrassed by a series of cross-site scripting vulnerabilities. Make it stop."
You need to have enough high-level guidance to prioritize your potential code review targets. Set review priorities down to the level of individual programs. When you've gotten down to that granularity, don't subdivide any further; run static analysis on at least a whole program at a time. You might choose to review results in more detail or with greater frequency for parts of the program if you believe they pose more risk, but allow the tool's results to guide your attention, at least to some extent. At Fortify, we conduct line-by-line peer review for components that we deem to be high risk, but we always run tools against all of the code.
When we ask people what they're looking for when they do code review, the most common thing we hear is, "Uh, err, the OWASP Top Ten?" Bad answer. The biggest problem is the "?" at the end. If you're not too sure about what you're looking for, chances are good that you're not going to find it. The "OWASP Top Ten" part isn't so hot, either. Checking for the OWASP Top Ten is part of complying with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard, but that doesn't make it the beginning and end of the kinds of problems you should be looking for. If you need inspiration, examine the results of previous code reviews for either the program you're planning to review or similar programs. Previously discovered errors have an uncanny way of slipping back in. Reviewing past results also gives you the opportunity to learn about what has changed since the previous review.
Make sure reviewers understand the purpose and function of the code being reviewed. A high-level description of the design helps a lot. It's also the right time to review the risk analysis results relevant to the code. If reviewers don't understand the risks before they begin, the relevant risks will inevitably be determined in an ad-hoc fashion as the review proceeds. The results will be less than ideal because the collective opinion about what is acceptable and what is unacceptable will evolve as the review progresses. The "I'll know a security problem when I see it" approach doesn't yield optimal results.
2. Run Static Analysis Tools
Run static analysis tools with the goals of the review in mind. To get started, you need to gather the target code, configure the tool to report the kinds of problems that pose the greatest risks, and disable checks that aren't relevant. The output from this phase will be a set of raw results for use during code review. Figure 3.2 illustrates the flow through phases 2 and 3.

Figure 3.2 Steps 2 and 3: running the tool and reviewing the code.
To get good results, you should be able to compile the code being analyzed. For development groups operating in their own build environment, this is not much of an issue, but for security teams who've had the code thrown over the wall to them, it can be a really big deal. Where are all the header files? Which version of that library are you using? The list of snags and roadblocks can be lengthy. You might be tempted to take some shortcuts here. A static analysis tool can often produce at least some results even if the code doesn't compile. Don't cave. Get the code into a compilable state before you analyze it. If you get into the habit of ignoring parse errors and resolution warnings from the static analysis tool, you'll eventually miss out on important results.
This is also the right time to add custom rules to detect errors that are specific to the program being analyzed. If your organization has a set of secure coding guidelines, go through them and look for things you can encode as custom rules. A static analysis tool won't, by default, know what constitutes a security violation in the context of your code. Chances are good that you can dramatically improve the quality of the tool's results by customizing it for your environment.
Errors found during previous manual code reviews are particularly useful here, too. If a previously identified error can be phrased as a violation of some program invariant (never do X, or always do Y), write a rule to detect similar situations. Over time, this set of rules will serve as a form of institutional memory that prevents previous security slip-ups from being repeated.
3. Review Code
Now it's time to review the code with your own eyes. Go through the static analysis results, but don't limit yourself to just analysis results. Allow the tool to point out potential problems, but don't allow it to blind you to other problems that you can find through your own inspection of the code. We routinely find other bugs right next door to a tool-reported issue. This "neighborhood effect" results from the fact that static analysis tools often report a problem when they become confused in the vicinity of a sensitive operation. Code that is confusing to tools is often confusing to programmers, too, although not always for the same reasons. Go through all the static analysis results; don't stop with just the high-priority warnings. If the list is long, partition it so that multiple reviewers can share the work.
Reviewing a single issue is a matter of verifying the assumptions that the tool made when it reported the issue. Do mitigating factors prevent the code from being vulnerable? Is the source of untrusted data actually untrusted? Is the scenario hypothesized by the tool actually feasible? 1 If you are reviewing someone else's code, it might be impossible for you to answer all these questions, and you should collaborate with the author or owner of the code. Some static analysis tools makes it easy to share results (for instance, by publishing an issue on an internal Web site), which simplifies this process.
Collaborative auditing is a form of peer review. Structured peer reviews are a proven technique for identifying all sorts of defects [Wiegers, 2002; Fagan, 1976]. For security-focused peer review, it's best to have a security specialist as part of the review team. Peer review and static analysis are complimentary techniques. When we perform peer reviews, we usually put one reviewer in charge of going through tool output.
If, during the review process, you identify a problem that wasn't found using static analysis, return to step 2: Write custom rules to detect other instances of the same problem and rerun the tools. Human eyes are great for spotting new varieties of defects, and static analysis excels at making sure that every instance of those new problems has been found. The back edge from step 3 to step 2 in Figure 3.1 represents this work.
Code review results can take a number of forms: bugs entered into the bug database, a formal report suitable for consumption by both programmers and management, entries into a software security tracking system, or an informal task list for programmers. No matter what the form is, make sure the results have a permanent home so that they'll be useful during the next code review. Feedback about each issue should include a detailed explanation of the problem, an estimate of the risk it brings, and references to relevant portions of the security policy and risk assessment documents. This permanent collection of review results is good for another purpose, too: input for security training. You can use review results to focus training on real problems and topics that are most relevant to your code.
4. Make Fixes
Two factors control the way programmers respond to the feedback from a security review:
- Does security matter to them? If getting security right is a prerequisite for releasing their code, it matters. Anything less is shaky ground because it competes with adding new functionality, fixing bugs, and making the release date.
- Do they understand the feedback? Understanding security issues requires security training. It also requires the feedback to be written in an intelligible manner. Results stemming from code review are not concrete the way a failing test case is, so they require a more complete explanation of the risk involved.
If security review happens early enough in the development lifecycle, there will be time to respond to the feedback from the security review. Is there a large clump of issues around a particular module or a particular feature? It might be time to step back and look for design alternatives that could alleviate the problem. Alternatively, you might find that the best and most lasting fix comes in the form of additional security training.
When programmers have fixed the problems identified by the review, the fixes must be verified. The form that verification takes depends on the nature of the changes. If the risks involved are not small and the changes are nontrivial, return to the review phase and take another look at the code. The back edge from step 4 to step 3 in Figure 3.1 represents this work.
Steer Clear of the Exploitability Trap
Security review should not be about creating flashy exploits, but all too often, review teams get pulled down into exploit development. To understand why, consider the three possible verdicts that a piece of code might receive during a security review:
- Obviously exploitable
- Ambiguous
- Obviously secure
No clear dividing line exists between these cases; they form a spectrum. The endpoints on the spectrum are less trouble than the middle; obviously exploitable code needs to be fixed, and obviously secure code can be left alone. The middle case, ambiguous code, is the difficult one. Code might be ambiguous because its logic is hard to follow, because it's difficult to determine the cases in which the code will be called, or because it's hard to see how an attacker might be able to take advantage of the problem.
The danger lies in the way reviewers treat the ambiguous code. If the onus is on the reviewer to prove that a piece of code is exploitable before it will be fixed, the reviewer will eventually make a mistake and overlook an exploitable bug. When a programmer says, "I won't fix that unless you can prove it's exploitable," you're looking at the exploitability trap. (For more ways programmers try to squirm out of making security fixes, see the sidebar "Five Lame Excuses for Not Fixing Bad Code.")
The exploitability trap is dangerous for two reasons. First, developing exploits is time consuming. The time you put into developing an exploit would almost always be better spent looking for more problems. Second, developing exploits is a skill unto itself. What happens if you can't develop an exploit? Does it mean the defect is not exploitable, or that you simply don't know the right set of tricks for exploiting it?
Don't fall into the exploitability trap: Get the bugs fixed!
If a piece of code isn't obviously secure, make it obviously secure. Sometimes this approach leads to a redundant safety check. Sometimes it leads to a comment that provides a verifiable way to determine that the code is okay. And sometimes it plugs an exploitable hole. Programmers aren't always wild about the idea of changing a piece of code when no error can be demonstrated because any change brings with it the possibility of introducing a new bug. But the alternative—shipping vulnerabilities—is even less attractive.
Beyond the risk that an overlooked bug might eventually lead to a new exploit is the possibility that the bug might not even need to be exploitable to cause damage to a company's reputation. For example, a "security researcher" who finds a new buffer overflow might be able to garner fame and glory by publishing the details, even if it is not possible to build an attack around the bug [Wheeler, 2005]. Software companies sometimes find themselves issuing security patches even though all indications are that a defect isn't exploitable.