The Object Pane
The Object pane is used to display and configure programmable attributes associated with objects, fields, and events for the design element that is currently open in the Work pane—such as a form or view. As illustrated in Figure 3.5, this section contains two tabs—Objects and Reference.

Figure 3.5 Design objects
In the first tab, Objects, you can define the default value for a field, add error checking, or define specific code to be run when an event occurs (e.g., display the message "Document Saved" when the document is saved).
The second tab, as the name implies, contains reference information (see Figure 3.6). It provides the option to display all fields in the database or, more importantly, quick reference information. Depending on the object or event selected, the reference tab will display information pertaining to the functions, commands, LotusScript Language, Domino classes, subroutines, functions, variables, Java, or OLE classes.

Figure 3.6 Quick Reference for fields, functions, and commands
You'll notice the Object pane contains a code indicator to the left of each object. Diamonds are used to indicate that the object can hold a single data value or set of code instructions. If the diamond is filled in, then the object contains a value or code, whereas the outlined (or "open") diamonds do not contain a value or programming code.
Circles indicate that the object may be used in the development of both Lotus Notes client and Web browser applications. As such, circle elements provide the ability to insert different values or code to accommodate both the Notes and browser environments. The top half of the circle represents the Notes client. The bottom half represents the Web browser. Although there are objects that work in both environments, there are also a few elements that only work in one environment.
The last symbol, a "script" icon, represents work areas for LotusScript (or JavaScript) programming (see Figure 3.7). Similar to the previous symbols, the script symbol changes to a solid color whenever script content has been added to the design.

Figure 3.7 Content or code indicators
The Object pane has several components. The top section always contains the Global objects. These are objects that can be defined once and utilized throughout the design element. Beneath the Global section are events, objects, and actions associated with the design element (e.g., the form or view).