The Work Pane
The Work pane is used to create and edit design elements associated with the application. These are design elements that help the end-user navigate and use the application and include forms, subforms, folders, views, pages, and framesets.
This section works on the WYSIWYG principle—"What You See Is What You Get"—and enables developers to select fonts, add graphics, and generally arrange objects as desired. Using this concept, a single application can be developed to support both the Lotus Notes and Web browser environments. However, it's important to understand that there may be visual differences between the two environments when the application is displayed. These differences can be attributed to a variety of reasons including the database design, access level, working state of the document, or inherent rendering differences between the environments.
Figure 3.4 depicts the Design pane for a form called Contact Information. The form includes a title at the top and several text descriptions along the edge with text fields. Absent from the illustration are the Action, Object, and Programmer's panes, which are hidden. From time to time, you may find the need to hide these panes while designing the form. These panes can be displayed or hidden by selecting the View > Programmer's Pane or Action Pane menu options. Alternatively, you can grab and drag the edge of the pane to display or hide the associated design pane.

Figure 3.4 Working with design panes