Editing Excel 2003 Worksheets
- Editing Data
- Overwriting and Deleting Data
- Undoing and Redoing Changes
- Inserting Cells
- Deleting Cells
- Inserting and Deleting Rows
- Inserting and Deleting Columns
- Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Data
- Flipping Rows and Columns
- Moving Data
- Finding Data
- Replacing Data
- Adding and Viewing Cell Comments
- Editing and Deleting Cell Comments
- Inserting Symbols
- Tracking Changes
- Accepting or Rejecting Tracked Changes
- Checking Spelling
The old paper-and-pencil method of calculating was a pain because if you made a mistake or forgot something, you had to do a lot of erasing—maybe even redo the whole thing. With an electronic worksheet, however, you can easily make changes. Forget something? You can insert a cell, row, or column. You also can delete entries. You can change a value, find and replace data, and even check for spelling errors. Besides editing the data in your worksheets, you can add comments to remind yourself of information and track when changes are made and by whom.
Inserting Comments and ChangesEditing Data
Being able to make changes to the values in your worksheet is what makes Excel such a valuable analysis tool. You can change any of your entries and see how that affects the formulas in your worksheet. To put the active cell in Edit mode, press F2 on the keyboard or click the mouse pointer on the data line of the Edit bar. You can then continue typing at the end of the current data, use the Backspace key to delete some data, use the left and right arrow keys to move through the data, or use the Home and End keys to move quickly to the beginning or the end of the data. Press Enter when you have finished editing the data.
Double-click the cell you want to edit. The insertion point appears to the left of the data in the current cell (the entry
also appears in the Formula bar).
Press the left and/or right arrow keys to move the insertion point where you want to make the change.
Type your changes (using the Backspace key if necessary).
Press the Enter key to accept your changes (the cell below becomes the active cell).
Click in the next cell you want to edit and press the F2 key. The insertion point appears to the right of the data in the current cell (the entry also appears in the Formula bar).
Type your edits.
Click the green checkmark Enter button to accept the changes.
The changes are accepted and the edited cell remains the active cell.