Logitech Wireless Headphones for iPod: Bluetooth Bliss or Headphone Headache?
Coming off of my review of Shure’s E3C earphones, my quest for the perfect set of headphones/earbuds continues. Next up are the $90-100 (est. street) Logitech Wireless Headphones for iPod. Logitech makes a version for the iPod and for PCs that look pretty much the same (color notwithstanding), but since my goal is for the most versatile set of headphones for my 4g iPod, I went with the model designed specifically to interface with my device.
These are Bluetooth headphones, and you’ll have to plug a small widget into the iPod mini headphone jack and remote connector on top of your iPod. It adapts to fit both regular iPods and iPod Minis, but does not support the Shuffle, Nano, or 5th generation "video" iPod due to the need for the remote connector.

Figure 1 Logitech Wireless Headphones for iPod
The Fit
These are headphones, not earbuds. And they are kind of big and a tad bit heavy. You won’t confuse them for sport headphones, that’s for sure, but they aren’t quite as bulky as the ear-cup models meant for home use.
Once on, quite frankly, they aren’t especially comfortable. They feel a bit bulkier than they are, and Logitech didn’t build any sliders or size adjustments into the headpiece. Have a small head that makes the headpiece stick out too far? Deal with it. Have a large head that is squeezed too tightly? Too bad. These headphones will probably allow a good fit for a few people but frustration for most of us.
In my case the speakers were pressed too tightly to my head. It was only a little uncomfortable at first, but after several minutes this actually caused pain.
How did they look? Well, let’s just say I felt like a robot when they were on. I would be willing to deal with that if they were comfortable, but that just wasn’t to be.