Introducing Fireworks 8
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This chapter is from the book
In this chapter
- What's New in Fireworks 8
- Fireworks 8 Environment
- Document Window
- Tools Unique to Fireworks
- Property Inspector
- Menu Bar
- Fireworks Panels
- Customization with Preferences
- Troubleshooting
- Best PracticesKnowing When and How Your Images Will Be Viewed
What’s New in Fireworks 8
Several new features have been introduced in Fireworks 8, as well as enhancements of some existing features. New feature functionality includes
- The new Image Editing panel—Provides access to commonly used image editing tools, filters, and menu commands.
- The new Auto Shape Properties panel—Enables you to modify the properties of Auto Shapes.
- The new Special Characters panel—Using this panel you can insert special characters into text blocks.
- The new Add Shadow command—Enables you to add a shadow effect to vector objects and text blocks.
- New symbol libraries—Additional buttons, bullets, themes, and animations have been added to the Fireworks 8 libraries.
- New default styles—Additional styles have been added in Fireworks 8.
- New default patterns and textures—Patterns and textures for use in filling shapes have been updated.
- CSS-based pop-up menus—Pop-up menus created in Fireworks 8 are now CSS-based, rather than JavaScript.
- New blend modes—25 new blend modes have been added, including Negative, Hard Light, Soft Light, Freeze, and a host of others.
- Additional import file formats—Formats such as QuickTime, TGA, MacPaint, and others are now available for import into Fireworks 8.
- Additional slicing capabilities—Slices can now be polygons or rectangles.
Those existing features that have received updates include
- The capability to save multiple selections—Using the marquee tool, you can now save, restore, and name multiple selections within PNG files.
- Shift-Click functionality in the Layers panel—Enables you to make contiguous selections within the panel.
- Stored Autosave preferences—Fireworks preferences are autosaved by the application to ensure that your preferences remain consistent each time you run the application.
- Enhanced vector compatibility—Vector attributes of fills and strokes are preserved when objects are moved between Fireworks and Flash.
- Improved JPEG compression—JPEG files can be exported into smaller files with better quality.
- Improvements to the Color Replace, Remove Red Eye, and Vector Path tools and Popup Previews—Each of these tools has been improved to enhance functionality.
- Export Preview renamed to Image Preview—The functionality remains largely the same, but the navigation link has simply been renamed.
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