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Conforming to the Standard

What does it mean to say that you conform to the Unicode standard? The answer to this question varies depending on what your product does. The answer tends to be both more and less than what most people think.

First, conforming to the Unicode standard does not mean that you have to be able to properly support every single character that the Unicode standard defines. The Unicode standard simply requires that you declare which characters you do support. For the characters you claim to support, then you have to follow all the rules in the standard. In other words, if you declare your program to be Unicode conformant (and you're doing that if you use the word "Unicode" anywhere in your advertising or documentation) and say "Superduperword supports Arabic," then you must support Arabic the way the Unicode standard says you should. In particular, you've got to be able to automatically select the right glyphs for the various Arabic letters depending on their context, and you've got to support the Unicode bidirectional text layout algorithm. If you don't do these things, then as far as the Unicode standard is concerned, you don't support Arabic.

Following are the rules for conforming to the Unicode standard. They differ somewhat from the rules as set forth in Chapter 3 of the actual Unicode standard, but they produce the same end result. There are certain algorithms that you have to follow (or mimic) in certain cases to be conformant. I haven't included those here, but will go over them in future chapters. There are also some terms used here that haven't been defined yet; all will be defined in future chapters.


For most processes, it's not enough to say you support Unicode. By itself, this statement doesn't mean very much. You'll also need to say:

  • Which version of Unicode you're supporting. Generally, this declaration is just a shorthand way of saying which characters you support. In cases where the Unicode versions differ in the semantics they give to characters, or in their algorithms to do different things, you're specifying which versions of those things you're using as well. Typically, if you support a given Unicode version, you also support all previous versions.10

    Informative character semantics can and do change from version to version. You're not required to conform to the informative parts of the standard, but saying which version you support is also a way of saying which set of informative properties you're using.

    It's legal and, in fact, often a good idea to say something like "Unicode 2.1.8 and later" when specifying which version of Unicode you use. This is particularly true when you're writing a standard that uses Unicode as one of its base standards. New versions of the standard (or conforming implementations) can then support new characters without going out of compliance. It's rarely necessary to specify which version of Unicode you're using all the way out to the last version number; rather, you can just indicate the major revision number ("This product supports Unicode 2.x").

  • Which transformation formats you support. This information is relevant only if you exchange Unicode text with the outside world (including writing it to disk or sending it over a network connection). If you do, you must specify which of the various character encoding schemes defined by Unicode (the Unicode Transformation Formats) you support. If you support several, you need to specify your default (i.e., which formats you can read without being told by the user or some other outside source what format the incoming file is in). The Unicode Transformation Formats are discussed in Chapter 6.

  • Which normalization forms you support or expect. Again, this point is important if you're exchanging Unicode text with the outside world. It can be thought of as a shorthand way of specifying which characters you support, but is specifically oriented toward telling people what characters can be in an incoming file. The normalization forms are discussed in Chapter 4.

  • Which characters you support. The Unicode standard doesn't require you to support any particular set of characters, so you need to say which sets of characters you know how to handle properly (of course, if you're relying on an external library, such as the operating system, for part or all of your Unicode support, you support whatever characters it supports). The ISO 10646 standard has formal ways of specifying which characters you support; Unicode doesn't. Instead, Unicode asks that you state these characters, but allows you to specify them any way you want, and you can specify any characters that you want.

    Part of the reason that Unicode doesn't provide a formal way of specifying which characters you support is that this statement often varies depending on what you're doing with the characters. Which characters you can display, for example, is often governed by the fonts installed on the system you're running on. You might also be able to sort lists properly only for a subset of languages you can display. Some of this information you can specify in advance, but you may be limited by the capabilities of the system you're actually running on.

Producing Text as Output

If your process produces Unicode text as output, either by writing it to a file or by sending it over some type of communication link, there are certain things you can't do. (Note that this constraint refers to machine-readable output; displaying Unicode text on the screen or printing it on a printer follow different rules, as outlined later in this chapter.)

  • Your output can't contain any code point values that are unassigned in the version of Unicode you're supporting.

  • Your output can't contain U+FFFE, U+FFFF, or any of the other noncharacter code point values.

  • Your output is allowed to include code point values in the Private Use Area, but this technique is strongly discouraged. As anyone can attach any meaning desired to the private-use code points, you can't guarantee that someone reading the file will interpret the private-use characters in the same way you do (or interpret them at all). You can, of course, exchange things any way you want within the universe you control, but that doesn't count as exchanging with "the outside world." You can get around this restriction if you expect the receiving party to uphold some kind of private agreement, but then you're technically not supporting Unicode anymore; you're supporting a higher-level protocol that uses Unicode as its basis.

  • You can't produce a sequence of bytes that's illegal for whatever Unicode transformation format you're using. Among other things, this constraint means you have to obey the shortest-sequence rule. If you're putting out UTF-8, for example, you can't use a three-byte sequence when the character can be represented with a two-byte sequence, and you can't represent characters outside the BMP using two three-byte sequences representing surrogates.

Interpreting Text from the Outside World

If your program reads Unicode text files or accepts Unicode over a communications link (from an arbitrary source, of course—you can have private agreements with a known source), you're subject to the following restrictions:

  • If the input contains unassigned or illegal code point values, you must treat them as errors. Exactly what this statement means may vary from application to application, but it is intended to prevent security holes that could conceivably result from letting an application interpret illegal byte sequences.

  • If the input contains malformed byte sequences according to the transformation format it's supposed to be in, you must treat that problem as an error.

  • If the input contains code point values from the Private Use Area, you can interpret them however you want, but are encouraged to ignore them or treat them as errors. See the caveats above.

  • You must interpret every code point value you purport to understand according to the semantics that the Unicode standard gives to those values.

  • You can handle the code point values you don't claim to support in any way that's convenient for you, unless you're passing them through to another process (see the following page).

Passing Text Through

If your process accepts text from the outside world and then passes it back out to the outside world (for example, you perform some kind of process on an existing disk file), you can't mess it up. Thus, with certain exceptions, your process can't have any side effects on the text—it must do to the text only what you say it's going to do. In particular:

  • If the input contains characters that you don't recognize, you can't drop them or modify them in the output. You are allowed to drop illegal characters from the output.

  • You are allowed to change a sequence of code points to a canonically equivalent sequence, but you're not allowed to change a sequence to a compatibility-equivalent sequence. This will generally occur as part of producing normalized text from potentially unnormalized text. Be aware, however, that you can't claim to produce normalized text unless the process normalizing the text can do so properly on any piece of Unicode text, regardless of which characters you support for other purposes.11 (In other words, you can't claim to produce text in Normalized Form D if you only know how to decompose the precomposed Latin letters.)

  • You are allowed to translate the text to a different Unicode transformation format, or a different byte ordering, as long as you do it correctly.

  • You are allowed to convert U+FEFF ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE to U+2060 WORD JOINER, as long as it doesn't appear at the beginning of a file.

Drawing Text on the Screen or Other Output Devices

You're not required to be able to display every Unicode character, but for those you purport to display, you've got to do so correctly.

  • You can do more or less whatever you want with any characters encountered that you don't support (including illegal and unassigned code point values). The most common approach is to display some type of "unknown character" glyph. In particular, you're allowed to draw the "unknown character" glyph even for characters that don't have a visual representation, and you're allowed to treat combining characters as noncombining characters. It's better, of course, if you don't do these things. Even if you don't handle certain characters, if you know enough to know which ones not to display (such as formatting codes) or can display a "missing" glyph that gives the user some idea of what kind of character it is, that's a better option.

  • If you claim to support the non-spacing marks, they must combine with the characters that precede them. In fact, multiple combining marks should combine according to the accent-stacking rules in the Unicode standard (or in a more appropriate language-specific way). Generally, this consideration is governed by the font being used—application software usually can't influence this ability much.

  • If you claim to support the characters in the Hebrew, Arabic, Syriac, or Thaana blocks, you have to support the Unicode bidirectional text layout algorithm.

  • If you claim to support the characters in the Arabic block, you have to perform contextual glyph selection correctly.

  • If you claim to support the conjoining Hangul jamo, you have to support the conjoining jamo behavior, as set forth in the standard.

  • If you claim to support any of the Indic blocks, you have to do whatever glyph reordering, contextual glyph selection, and accent stacking is necessary to properly display that script. Note that the phrase "properly display" gives you some latitude—anything that is legible and correctly conveys the writer's meaning to the reader is good enough. Different fonts, for example, may include different sets of ligatures or contextual forms.

  • If you support the Mongolian script, you have to draw the characters vertically.

  • When word-wrapping lines, you have to follow the mandated semantics of the characters with normative line-breaking properties.

  • You're not allowed to assign semantics to any combination of a regular character and a variation selector that isn't listed in the StandardizedVariants.html file. If the combination isn't officially standardized, the variation selector has no effect. You can't define ad hoc glyph variations with the variation selectors. (You can, of course, create your own "variation selectors" in the Private Use Area.)

Comparing Character Strings

When you compare two Unicode character strings for equality, strings that are canonically equivalent should compare as equal. Thus you're not supposed to do a straight bitwise comparison without normalizing the two strings first. You can sometimes get around this problem by declaring that you expect all text coming in from outside to already be normalized or by not supporting the non-spacing marks.


In a nutshell, conforming to the Unicode standard boils down to three rules:

  • If you receive text from the outside world and pass it back to the outside world, don't mess it up, even if it contains characters you don't understand.

  • To claim to support a particular character, you have to follow all the rules in the Unicode standard that are relevant to that character and to what you're doing with it.

  • If you produce output that purports to be Unicode text, another Unicode-conformant process should be able to interpret it properly.

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Last Update: November 17, 2020