Locking Design Elements
New to Designer 6 is the ability to lock design elements to keep more than one developer from making changes to the same element. Locking does not happen automaticallyyou must explicitly lock an element. Design locking must be enabled at the database level first, and it requires that an administration server be selected for the database. You set the administration server on the Advanced tab of the database ACL dialog window. Once you have set the administration server, also referred to in this context as the master lock server, open the Database properties box. On the Design tab of Database properties box, check Allow Design Locking. To lock a specific design element, right-click the element in the Work pane and choose Lock from the context menu (see Figure 3.23).
Figure 3.23 The topmost form in the Work pane has been locked. Note the context menu, with Lock selected, for the second form.Once you have locked a design element, only you or someone with manager rights to the database can unlock the element. To unlock the design element, right-click the element and choose Unlock from the context menu.
If you are working on a local workstation without access to the administration server, Domino Designer applies a provisional lock to the element. The next time you connect to the administration server, Designer attempts to apply the lock and convert it to a permanent lock. If someone else has locked the element, you will not be able to lock it. Your changes will be sent to you in an email, and when the element is available for you to edit, you will have to apply them manually.