- Where to Get POSE
- ROM Images
- Skins
- Creating, Loading, and Saving POSE Sessions
- Installing Applications and Databases
- Taking Screenshots
- Creating a Bound Copy of POSE
- Advanced POSE Techniques
- The OS 5 Simulator
- Summary
Installing Applications and Databases
The real benefit to using POSE is in running your own programs under the emulator, thus enabling you to observe your program under a wide variety of OS versions, devices, and configurations. So how does one get an application onto POSE?
To install applications and other Palm files onto your PDA, you normally would use the Palm Install tool, which can be launched standalone or from the Palm Desktop's launch toolbar. The Palm Install tool queues files for synchronization to the PDA on the next HotSync. (Although some applications provide their own installation programs that bypass the Install tool and deposit files directly in the queue.)
POSE, on the other hand, does not interface with the Install tool (although this might be a nice feature to see in a future version to help test a program's installation procedure). Rather, you can use one of two methods to directly copy one or more Palm files (.PRCs, .PDBs, or .PQAs) to the current POSE session.
The first method is by right-clicking on the POSE screen, thus bringing up the POSE system menu. Choose the menu option Install Applications and Databases, and you will be presented with a standard File Open dialog box that allows you to browse your hard drive for Palm applications (.PRCs) and databases (.PDBs). Select one or more files, and POSE will dutifully install them to your POSE session. Even better, when you save your session (thereby saving the state of your POSE ROM), POSE will save the installed files as well. This allows you to build up an emulation of a Palm device that contains any combination of applications and databases.
An alternative to using the Install menu is to use the drag-and-drop method, which involves selecting one or more Palm files from your PC's desktop and dragging them with your mouse on top of the POSE screen.
One anomaly you should be aware of is that if you have the standard Palm Applications screen displayed when you add new files to POSE, the new files will not automatically show up on your screen until you switch to another application (such as Calculator) and switch back, thereby forcing the Applications screen to rescan the files on the system.