Number and Types of Staff
23. The more methods an ASP uses to quantify its staff's customer service activities, the better. The ASP can offer bonuses to individuals who excel in this area, assign them to the busiest shifts in the call center, use them to train less adept agents, and so on. For instance, if an agent averages three minutes per customer call to resolve issues, and rarely has to make hand-offs to other experts or multiple call-backs to customers, you have no grounds for complaint. But if another agent averages 15 minutes per call, and makes excessive handoffs and call-backs, then they are wasting your time.
24. While putting the best agents on the busiest shifts is generally a good call center policy, putting more of them on those shifts is usually critical. For your monthly fee, you expect an ASP to have done its homework and calculated the cost of expedient customer service into the price of the service.