Shelbus Industries and Its Wild Web Adventure: Part 1
Introduction to Shelbus Industries
"Shelbus Industries and Its Wild Web Adventure" is a unique concept in the education of Web development. Unlike standard efforts that explain Web development and marketing through generalization and "ideal world" suppositions, "Shelbus Industries" provides you with true-life, day-to-day aspects of Web creation as it commonly occurs in reality.
Written in the third-person, "Shelbus Industries" is a fictionalized story about Chris Johnson, a V.P. of Business Development, who is given the task of building his company's Web site in a short period of time and with a tight budget. The story follows Chris as he chooses and works with a Web agency while struggling against internal pressures, including a CEO who doesn't understand the Web, and another Vice-President who is out to make Chris look bad. Each article shows how interpersonal relationships, teamwork, individualized talent, situation, money, time, frustration, and achievement may play a part in the development of a successful Web site.
"Shelbus Industries" provides characters and situations that every businessperson involved with the Web has had to deal with at one time or another, allowing you to instantly relate to various aspects of the story. By following fictionalized people and their interactions as they struggle to build a site on time and under budget, you'll get an insight into what really goes on when a site is built, while at the same time having a interesting, plot-twisting, suspenseful story to follow. To enhance the learning aspect, each article of the story will end with a narrative of the situation at hand, an analysis of the decisions that were made, and a list of problems the characters may have to watch out for in the future.
The serialized format of this story is meant to help make learning more productive and fun. We hope that you enjoy reading it.