SMC Toolbox Editor: Creating and Editing an SMC Toolbox
Use the SMC toolbox editor to create or edit an SMC toolbox. You can create a toolbox that is shared by other toolboxes, or you can create a toolbox that includes all tools on a number of servers for a particular functionality.
You can use the toolbox to perform the following tasks.
- Edit toolbox properties.
- Add a folder to a toolbox.
- Add a toolbox URL to a toolbox.
- Add a legacy application to a toolbox.
- Add a toolbox to management tools.
- Create a toolbox.
- Create a nameservice domain toolbox.
Starting the SMC Toolbox Editor Use the following steps to start the SMC toolbox editor.
Become superuser. Although you can start the SMC Editor as a normal user, you cannot save a server toolbox unless you start the editor as root.
Type /usr/sadm/bin/smc edit& and press Return.
The SMC Editor splash screen is displayed, followed by the SMC Toolbox Editor window, as shown in Figure 26.
Figure 26 SMC Toolbox Editor Window
Editing Toolbox Properties
You can use the SMC Toolbox Editor to modify the properties of tools, folders, toolbox URLs, and legacy applications.
If necessary, start the SMC Editor. Refer to "Starting the SMC Toolbox Editor" on page 33 for instructions on how to start the SMC Editor.
In the Navigation pane of the Editor, click on the object you want to modify. Its properties are displayed in the View pane of the editor, as shown in Figure 27.
Figure 27 Toolbox Properties
From the Action menu, choose Properties.
A wizard is displayed, as shown in Figure 28.
Figure 28 Toolbox Wizard Editor Window
The wizard is slightly different for each type of object, but the process is the same. Modify the properties in the wizard.
Refer to the context help in each wizard window for instructions. Click Next in each panel except for the last one.
In the last wizard panel, click Finish.
The wizard window closes and the Editor is displayed.
From the Toolbox menu, choose Save As.
The Local Toolbox window is displayed, as shown in Figure 29.
Figure 29 Local Toolbox Window
The first time the Local Toolbox window is displayed, the scrolling list starts at the root directory. Toolboxes are located in the /var/sadm/smc/toolboxes directory and have a .tbx suffix. The Management Tools toolbox is located in the /var/sadm/smc/toolboxes/smc directory and is named smc.tbx.
Double-click on a folder to open it. To go up a level in the hierarchy, click on the folder icon with an arrow. When you reach the right place in the directory hierarchy, click on the name of the toolbox. The toolbox name is entered in the Filename text field.
Click on the Save button to save the changes.
If you close the SMC Toolbox Editor without saving changes, an alert is displayed, as shown in Figure 30. If you click on Yes, the Save As window is displayed to enable you to save the toolbox. If you click on No, the changes to the toolbox are not saved.
Figure 30 Save Current Toolbox Alert