Making Money With JXTA P2P
Why do peer-to-peer (P2P) networking? Well, you can solve hard problems, and feel good participating in a new wave of technology. But you also need to put food on the table. If you work for a corporation, the only way you can do P2P at work is to sell an idea to your boss. The only way to sell an idea in the corporate world is with visions of profit and savings. And when you're talking about other people's money, it's not about technologyjust money.
In addition to consulting, I talk to venture capitalists and corporations, and often need to answer the question "Where's the money?" So, where is the money in P2P? First, it's not in building companies like Napster. Sharing files, especially music, is simply not a way to make money. With JXTA, we have a platform that was designed to cover many applications other than just file sharing. This article redefines P2P in terms of JXTA's capabilities so that you can understand this new world. We'll look for where the money comes from and a few mechanisms for making money. By the end of this article, you should have a good idea of how something you're already doing can be applied to JXTA, or have the tools to invent something new.