Using AVG AntiVirus Security to Protect Your Galaxy Tab 4 from Viruses and Malware
- Find, Download, and Install AVG AntiVirus
- Run AVG AntiVirus
- Change App Settings
- Upgrade and Access App Menus
It’s a sad fact of computing life that some people create viruses and other malware to make others’ lives more difficult. Viruses have also been written for the Android platform that can threaten your data and the ability of your Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 to function correctly. The Tab 4 doesn’t come with any anti-virus or anti-malware apps pre-installed.
Fortunately, there are apps available in the Google Play Store that will scan your system periodically to ensure that you don’t pick up any viruses or malware as you use the Tab 4. One of the most popular and free Android anti-virus apps is AVG AntiVirus Security Free, hereafter referred to as AVG AntiVirus. This app not only scans for viruses but also for the following bad stuff:
- Malware, which are apps surreptitiously installed to damage or disable your Tab 4.
- Potentially unwanted programs (also known by the acronym PUP) that are installed without your permission.
- Adware, which is software downloaded without your permission that downloads advertisements onto your Tab 4 that you don’t want.
If the AVG AntiVirus app finds a virus or other malware, the app will alert you and ask you to remove it. What’s more, if there are any settings on your Tab 4 that AVG AntiVirus thinks could invite any of the bad stuff listed above, AVG AntiVirus will alert you to those potential problems and give you the option of changing the setting or leaving the setting as is.
The AVG AntiVirus app also provides additional services including online data storage, anti-theft services, and privacy controls. If you decide you like the free version of AVG AntiVirus but you want more features, the app gives you the ability to upgrade to AVG AntiVirus Security Pro for an annual or monthly fee.
Find, Download, and Install AVG AntiVirus
You need to install the AVG AntiVirus app from the Google Play Store. Here’s how:
- Tap Play Store on the Home screen.
- In the Play Store home screen, tap Apps.
- In the Apps screen, tap the Search icon in the menu bar.
- Type AVG in the Search field. A drop-down list of potential search term matches appears below the field.
- In the list, tap AVG Antivirus Free as shown in Figure 1.
- The Apps screen appears and shows a list of apps that match the AVG AntiVirus Free search term. As the AVG AntiVirus app comes in versions for tablets and smartphones, tap the Tablet AntiVirus AVG Mobile tile in the list.
- In the app description screen, tap the green Install button.
- In the App Permissions window that appears, tap the Accept button.
- After the Tab 4 installs the app, tap the Open button in the app description screen shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1. The AVG AntiVirus Free entry appears third from the top within the list.

Figure 2. Swipe up and down within the app description screen to get more information about the app from AVG Mobile.