PNG: The Portable Network Graphic
- What is PNG?
- History of PNG
- Advantages of PNG
- Disadvantages of PNG
- Conclusion
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The Portable Network Graphic (PNG) format is an open-source graphic format that empowers artists and designers with features such as lossless compression and true color. Kyle Cassidy and Joe Dries explore its peculiarities and emerging popularity.
What Is PNG?
A Portable Network Graphic (PNG, pronounced "ping") is a graphic file format similar to the Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) format, and the Tagged Image File Format (TIFF). It possesses many of the best features of several different graphics formats. In short, it provides all the good stuff that graphic artists want to showcase their talents: true color, lossless compression, 8-bit transparency alpha channels, and gamma correction support, all in a patent-free package.
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