Overview: A New Approach to Global Marketing
- Raising the Issues
- The Globalization of Marketing
- Localism
- Personalization
- Game-Changers
- Changed Perception of Value
- Trustworthy Brand Value
- Build Trust
- The Collaborative Three-Box Model
- Creating the Metrics
- Plan to Win
- Gaining Alignment: Overcoming the Negatives
- What Can I Do Differently?
- Aligning for Action
- Brand Journalism
- Making The Collaborative Three-Box Model a Reality
- “[Globalization] represents the world’s best chance to enrich the lives of the greatest number of people.”
- —William Wishard
Raising the Issues
It was a short letter to the editor of the New York Times that pushed a “hot-button” on the issue of globalization. On May 27, 2014, the New York Times published a letter that described the value of globalization if managed appropriately. The letter writer suggested that globalization provides us “awareness as a single entity.” He wrote “...if pursued wisely, it represents the world’s best chance to enrich the lives of the greatest number of people.”1
Embedded in the letter was an additional thought that is at the center of an ongoing debate: “How can we engage in globalization without losing our traditions?”2 In other words, how can we be global, local, and personal at the same (see Figure 1.1)? Although the letter was not about marketing, the issue is extremely relevant...and frustrating...to marketers who must ensure that the global brands they promote are locally relevant and personally differentiated.

Figure 1.1 Collision of global forces
Marketers continue to discuss the balance of global and local. Graystone Consulting, one of the many businesses of Morgan Stanley, proudly states in its advertising: “Local Presence or Global Powerhouse (Pick Two) Discover the best of both worlds.”3