Writing and Sharing Memos Using the Galaxy Tab 4 Memo App
Within the main Home page on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4, you can tap the Memo icon to open the Memo app and type memos into your Tab 4. Better yet, you can write as many memos as you want, format the memos to your liking, and then save those memos for recovery later.
You can find your written memos easily so you can update them and you can also connect your Tab 4 to a printer wirelessly to print them out. What's more, you can share your memos with other users online or even export a memo to a file with a different format.
Chapter 5 in My Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 discussed the Memo widget that you can add to a Home screen, and this article goes into more detail about how to add the Memo widget.
After you add the widget, you'll learn how you can read memo summaries in the widget and how to open an entire memo from within the widget.
Create a Memo
Open the Memo app from the main Home page by tapping the Memo icon, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 The Memo app icon appears in the row of app icons near the bottom of the main Home page.
The Memos app home screen opens and displays No Memos in the center of the screen as shown in Figure 2.
A pop-up box reminds you to tap the New Memo icon in the menu bar at the top of the screen.

Figure 2 The New Memo icon is a plus (+) sign at the right side of the orange menu bar.
After you tap the New Memo icon, the New Memo screen appears on the screen, as shown in Figure 3. You see the cursor blinking in the Add Memo area on the screen. The keyboard Shift key is activated (that is, the arrow in the key is blue), so you can start typing and know that the first letter in the text will be capitalized.

Figure 3 Start typing your memo using the keyboard at the bottom of the screen.
After you type a sentence, you'll note that after you tap the space bar after you type a punctuation mark, the Shift key is activated again so the first letter in your next sentence will be capitalized.
Once you finish typing your memo, you can give your memo a title so it will be easier for you to find when you have to view the memo later. Tap on the Enter Title field that you saw in Figure 3. The cursor blinks within the Enter Title field, and the Shift key in the keyboard is activated so the first letter in your title will be capitalized.
After you type the title, save your memo by tapping Save at the right side of the orange menu bar shown in Figure 3. The main Memo screen reappears, and the first memo appears in a tile at the top of the screen, as shown in Figure 4. The tile includes the title at the top of the tile with the memo text underneath.

Figure 4 The date (or the time if you saved the memo during the current day) appears at the bottom left of the memo tile.
The most recent memo you saved appears in the tile at the top of the app home screen. Memo tiles are ordered from the newest memo at the top of the list to the oldest memo at the bottom. If you have more memo tiles that can fit on the screen, swipe up and down the screen to view memo tiles. Note that if the memo has more text that can fit in the tile, the text will be truncated by an ellipses (...).