Windows XP Tools and Other Junk
One of the reasons that I like my job so much is that I literally get to play all day. I take my machines apart on a regular basis, mix the parts up, and put everything back together again in new combinations. I'll even try different installations of software, just to see what's possible. What a great way to add to my junk drawer knowledge base! My goal is to find the limit of the machine and I must admit, I also like seeing how many errors it takes to bring down Windows. In short, I'm both creative and destructive at the same time.
My Favorites folder looks much like other people's junk drawers. I have folders containing pointers to interesting places on the Internet. Learning something new makes my day. If a tip is interesting enough, I'll put it back for one of my book projects. You never know when a tip on fixing an obscure piece of software will come in handy. My friends email me with off-the-wall questions all the time for this very reason.
Sometimes I think that other people should develop a junk drawer mentality as well. I'm not talking about an unmanaged mass of Internet shortcuts that you can't search. An organized junk drawer works much better and makes looking for the perfect Web site for an existing need much faster.
The next time you find that you need a bit of information about an esoteric subject that you read about last week, think about the junk drawer mentality. Build a list of tools for future use in your Favorites folder so that you can find the perfect tip the next time you need it.