Shopping and Visiting B&N on Your Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 NOOK
- Shopping on Your NOOK
- Shopping on Your Computer
- Using Your NOOK in a B&N Store
- Using NOOK Today
One of the greatest features of your NOOK is the capability to sample and buy content from B&N directly from the device. As long as you have a Wi-Fi connection, you can get new content for your NOOK no matter where you are. However, you can also use the B&N website to sample and purchase content for your NOOK.
Shopping on Your NOOK
To shop on your NOOK, from the Home screen, tap NOOK Shop. Your NOOK displays the NOOK Store Home screen (see Figure 12.1).

FIGURE 12.1 The opening of the NOOK Store.
Navigating the NOOK Store
The NOOK Store is divided into three parts. The top right features several categories of items: Books, Magazines, Movies & TV, Kids, Apps, Newspapers, and Catalogs. To browse that category, tap the category’s name.
The top left highlights features such as bestselling magazines, new NOOK videos, best reading lists, and so on.
The bottom half contains Channels, which are lists of titles related to your interests (remember selecting those in creating your profile) and purchasing habits. Channels are descriptive and—I have found—useful ways of categorizing titles. Instead of just a big collection of history books, you have Space Opera, History by Plot, Notorious American History, and History Buff. The Channels descriptions are themselves evocative of the types of content you will find. In addition, Channels allow for titles from multiple genres to appear (Science-Fiction Science-Fact is a good example).
The bottom status bar has three options: Search, Profiles, and Options. The Options menu has Browse History, Wishlist, and Shop Settings choices.
The Browse History option opens up a screen that shows items you’ve recently looked at in the NOOK Store. The Options button in the top right lets you adjust how you are viewing the items (Grid or List) as well as the Wishlist and Shop Settings options.
The Wishlist option shows your wishlist of items added from your specific NOOK device. While your Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 NOOK, the NOOK HD, and the NOOK HD+ share a wishlist, it is not the same as your wishlist or any other NOOK Simple Touch or NOOK GlowLight.
The Shop Settings option opens up the NOOK Settings for the NOOK Shop.
Type into the search box keywords, authors, titles—what have you. Tap the search button. A set of results appears. You can tap the cover to see the Details screen and tap the price to purchase the ebook (followed by a Confirm button). You can sort the list by a variety of options by tapping the Options button (see Figure 12.2).

FIGURE 12.2 Sort your search results.
Browsing the NOOK Store
Tap any of the categories from the NOOK Store to stroll through the available content in that category (see Figure 12.3). From here, you can narrow down even further on the category you want to browse, see all the books, or select a title or list from the options at the bottom of the screen.

FIGURE 12.3 Browsing the NOOK Store.
As you work your way through the lists, the items are listed in Channels. You can scroll through the Channel’s list of titles. In addition, tap the cover to see the Details screen. To go backward, tap the Back key. To return to the NOOK Store front, tap the shopping bag in the top left.
Sampling and Buying Content
After you locate and select an item you’re interested in, if you tap the cover to get to the Details screen (see Figure 12.4), you see an overview page that describes the item and shows the rating of the item from other B&N readers. In addition, you see the following options:
- Play Trailer: For some movies, you see a play button on the cover. Tap it to watch the trailer.
- Add to Wishlist: Adds the item to your NOOK’s wishlist. Tap it and the heart’s plus turns to a minus. Tap it again to remove it from your wishlist.
- Share: Gives you the opportunity to recommend the title, like it on Facebook, or rate and review it. See Chapter 11, “Using the Social Features of Your Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 NOOK,” for more information.
- Profiles: Tap this and a menu appears with all your profiles so that you can assign this product to whichever profiles you want presuming you purchase it.
Price: Tap this button to purchase the book. You are asked to confirm your purchase. For movies and TV shows, you have an option to buy or rent the HD or SD version. Tap the arrow next to the price, and tap the one you want (if it is different than the default HD pricing). If rentals are available, you can rent the HD or SD version. Tap the arrow next to the price and tap the one you want.
FIGURE 12.4 The Details screen in the NOOK Store.
- Free Sample: Tap this to download a free sample from the book.
- Previous/Next: If you got to the Details screen because of a search that returned multiple titles or via browsing, these buttons let you go forward and backward in the list.
- Overview: The default view displays when you select an item. This includes screen shots for apps. Scroll down to see the full listing.
Reviews: Displays reviews from other B&N customers. The number of reviews presented is likely to be smaller than the number of ratings. In addition, you can access the Rate and Review and Like on Facebook social features from this screen. Tap Most Helpful to sort the customer reviews. If a number of reviews are available, you might need to scroll down to see more.
- More Like This: Displays similar titles that you might be interested in. Usually these are sorted by what other B&N customers who purchased the book you are looking at have purchased, more titles by the author, and other titles in the series. Tap the cover to jump to that ebook’s Details screen. If you like what you see, you can download a sample to your NOOK by tapping Free Sample. (Sampling is valid only with NOOK Books.) Samples typically consist of the first chapter of an ebook. However, it’s up to the publisher to decide what to provide as a sample. In some cases, samples might contain just a few pages. In other cases, samples consist primarily of front matter, such as the title page, table of contents, dedication, and so on.
If you decide to buy a book after reading the sample, simply go to the Details screen by tapping the cover (you can do this in the NOOK Store or in the Library) or tapping Buy Now in the reading screen of the sample. Because samples and full NOOK Books are completely separate products, a purchased book will not open at the point where the sample ended. You need to manually navigate to the point where you stopped reading the sample.
If you want to remove a sample from your NOOK, press and hold the cover, and tap Delete from Account from the pop-up menu if you want to remove it from your library entirely. If you delete a sample unintentionally, you can download it again.
For more information on using My NOOK Library, see Chapter 25, “Using My NOOK Library.”
Subscription content also enables sampling prior to purchasing, but it works a bit differently than it does with NOOK Books. When you subscribe to a newspaper or magazine, you are given a 14-day free trial (see Figure 12.5). If you cancel your subscription within that 14-day period, you will not be charged. If you cancel after the 14-day trial period, you will be refunded a prorated amount based on when you cancel.

FIGURE 12.5 The trial period for a magazine.
You can use a trial subscription only once for any particular item. For example, if you subscribe to The New York Review of Books, cancel your subscription within the 14-day trial period, and then later resubscribe again, you will be charged beginning immediately because you have already taken advantage of a trial subscription.
Your NOOK automatically downloads subscription content when it’s available. In addition to seeing the new content in your library and Active Shelf, you’ll also receive notifications in the status bar for any new subscription content your NOOK downloads.