Information-Management Maturity
"Make sure you're really ready for information governance."
Having a successful information governance organization requires a certain level of maturity within the broader IT organization, especially in the area of information management. For example, an organization that has a data modeling process with business and structural metadata defined is most likely ready for information governance. An organization that doesn't even need data models? Not so much. When assessing which aspects and components of information governance are needed for an implementation, it's highly recommended to first perform a maturity assessment to determine just how ready your organization is for information governance.
Another telling predictor of implementation difficulty is how the business currently interacts with its IT department. Organizations whose business units consider IT a strategic partner will have a much higher probability of successful information governance implementation than organizations who consider IT as a necessary expense and a separate business unit. As I mentioned earlier in this article, information governance spans both IT and business processes, as portrayed in Figure 1. The tighter the alignment between business and IT, the easier the implementation of information governance.
![Figure 1](/content/images/art_giordano1_infogov/elementLinks/giordano1_fig01.jpg)
Figure 1 The information governance overlay.