- Likes Decrease Costs and Increase Profits
- Likes Increase Sales
- Likes Give You Control of the Customer Conversation
- Likes Prove People Are Paying Attention
- Likes Solidify Loyalty
- Likes Create Evangelistic Customers
- There's No Dislike Button
- Can You Do Fear-Based Marketing on Facebook?
- Google "Likes" the Like Button
- Facebook Is About Passions and Interests
- How Often Do Facebookers Like Things?
- Facebook Users Are More Trusting
- Facebook Groups: Off-the-Charts Positivity
- Facebook Page Brag Boards
- Easy Testimonials
- Emotions on Facebook Are Contagious
- Gross National Happiness
This chapter is from the book
Easy Testimonials
Some businesses like to post testimonials from happy customers (see Figure 1.4). When you get positive feedback from fans, which happens spontaneously when you satisfy customers and are active on Facebook, ask for permission to use an excerpt and then post it on your website, email it to people, maybe even put it on a billboard! My preference is to take a screenshot and post it in the Facebook format, which adds a layer of third-party credibility.

Figure 1.4. An unasked-for testimonial from the FanReach Facebook Group.