Google Play Hubs, Part 2: Play Magazine
- Shop the Catalog
- Purchase an Issue / View and Change Settings
- Read an Issue
This article discusses Play Magazine, a preinstalled Google app on your Galaxy Tab 2 that allows you to shop for magazines, purchase one or more issues of the magazine, and then read the magazine within the app.
Open the Play Magazine app by tapping the Apps icon in the home screen, swiping from right to left to view the second page of the Apps screen, and then tapping the Play Magazine icon as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 The Play Magazine app icon appears at the left side within the second row of apps on the second page of the Apps window.
The Play Magazine welcome screen appears as shown in Figure 2. The menu bar appears at the top of the screen so you can tap the Shop icon at the right side of the bar to view the catalog. To the right of the Shop icon is the Menu icon; tap this icon to manage your online magazine subscriptions, refresh information in the page, view your settings, or get online help for the app.

Figure 2 Tap the Shop icon in the upper-right corner of the screen to view the Google Play Store magazine catalog.
Shop the Catalog
After you tap the Shop icon, the Google Play Store opens and displays the Magazines page. The Featured section appears on the screen shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 The Featured section contains magazine sections and offers you may be interested in.
Within the Featured section, you can tap on a tile to view various sections or featured offers. View all the tiles in the section by swiping up and down on the screen. You can swipe from right to left to view the Top Selling and New Arrivals section pages. View the Categories list shown in Figure 4 by swiping from left to right on the screen.

Figure 4 The list of magazine categories appears on the left side of the screen.
Swipe up and down within the categories list until you find the section you want and then tap the section name in the list. In this example, I've tapped the Science & Technology category; the Science & Technology category page appears with magazines in the Top Selling section shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 The Top Selling section displays top selling magazines in the Science & Technology category page.
You can swipe from right to left on the screen to view the New Arrivals section. Next, view the entire list of magazines within the section by swiping up and down the screen. When you find a magazine you want more information about, tap the magazine cover to view the Description screen for the magazine, subscribe to the online magazine, or buy the individual issue as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 The upper-left area of the Description screen includes the magazine cover, average review score, and buttons to subscribe to the magazine or buy the current issue.
Within the Description screen you'll see a black menu bar at the top of the screen. There are six icons from left to right:
- Back icon: The left arrow icon appears at the left side of the menu bar; when you tap it or the Play Store shopping bag icon right next to it, you'll return to the previous screen.
- Magazine icon: Tap the Magazine icon to return to the Play Magazine app.
- Search icon: Search for magazines by tapping the Search icon and then typing your search term(s) in the Search Google Play area at the left side of the menu bar. Tap the Search button in the keyboard to open a screen with a list of magazines that the Play Store thinks match your term(s). If the Play Store finds an exact match, then the magazine's Description page opens.
- Wishlist icon: The Wishlist icon looks like a bookmark. When you tap this icon, the icon turns white, and a message pops up and lets you know that the magazine has been added to your wishlist for future reference.
- Share icon: Tap the Share icon to open the Share window so you can share a link to the magazine in the Play Store via a number of connection methods including an email (or Gmail) message, a Google+ post, and sending the book page to your friends using the Samsung ChatON instant messaging service.
- Menu icon: Tap the Menu icon to open the drop-down menu and access other options. You can view a screen with all the magazines you've added to your wishlist, redeem any Google Play coupons, view or change your Google account and/or Google Play Store settings, and get online help about the Play Store.