- Introduction
- Formatting Text
- Formatting Text for Emphasis
- Selecting Text with Similar Formatting
- Setting Formatting Options
- Finding and Replacing Formatting
- Finding and Replacing Custom Formatting
- Changing Paragraph Alignment
- Changing Line Spacing
- Changing Character Spacing
- Displaying Rulers
- Setting Paragraph Tabs
- Setting Paragraph Indents
- Creating Bulleted and Numbered Lists
- Applying Borders and Shading
- Hiding Text
Finding and Replacing Formatting
Suddenly you realize all the bold text in your report would be easier to read in italics. Do you spend time making these changes one by one? No. The Find and Replace feature locates the formatting and instantly substitutes new formatting. If your search for a formatting change is an easy one, click Less in the Find and Replace dialog box to decrease the size of the dialog box. If your search is a more complex one, click More to display additional options. With the Match Case option, you can specify exact capitalization. The Reading Highlight button highlights items found to make them easier to read. The Go To tab quickly moves you to a place or item in your document. You can search for an item, such as bookmark or comment, or location, such as a page or section.
Find Formatting
Click the Home tab.
Click the Find button arrow, click Advanced Find, and then click More to expand the dialog box.
To clear any previous settings, click No Formatting.
If you want to locate formatted text, type the word or words.
Click Format, and then click the formatting you want to find.
To highlight located items, click Reading Highlight, and then click Highlight All.
Click Find Next to select the next instance of the formatted text.
Click OK to confirm Word finished the search.
Click Close or Cancel.
Replace Formatting
Click the Home tab.
Click the Replace button, and then click More to expand the dialog box.
If you want to locate formatted text, type the word or words.
Click Format, and then click the formatting you want to find. When you’re done, click OK.
Press Tab, and then type any text you want to substitute.
Click Format, and then click the formatting you want to substitute. When you’re done, click OK.
To substitute every instance of the formatting, click Replace All.
To substitute the formatting one instance at a time, click Find Next, and then click Replace.
If you want to cancel the replace, click Cancel.
If necessary, click Yes to search from the beginning of the document.
Click OK to confirm Word finished searching.
Click Close or Cancel.