Getting Better at Automated Software Testing: A Reading List by Elfriede Dustin
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As someone who focuses on automated software testing efforts and has written various books on the topic, I’m often asked for book recommendations. Here are some of my favorites:
Experiences of Test Automation: Case Studies of Software Test Automation
by Dorothy Graham, Mark Fewster
This is one of the most recent books written on the topic of automated software testing. Various case studies are presented by contributors describing their experiences (good and bad) with automated software testing. I wrote Chapter 7, which covers our experience with automated testing for the Department of Defense. The book is compiled by Dorothy Graham and Mark Fewster and provides automated testing experiences from a wide spectrum of organizations and projects. Many lessons can be gleaned for the reader with any variety of backgrounds and automated testing needs, whether they are testing in Healthcare or Government, or testing mobile apps or cloud computing.
Implementing Automated Software Testing: How to Save Time and Lower Costs While Raising Quality by Elfriede Dustin, Thom Garrett, Bernie Gauf
I wrote this book with two of my colleagues. What is great about the company I work for is that our entire focus is on automated software testing; i.e. we develop automated testing solutions and provide related services. In the course of that we learn many lessons. That is the backdrop of this book. It covers a range of topics for the beginner such as “What is automated software testing and why should we automate?” to the more advanced case study of “An automated testing framework example.” Also you will find plenty of information if you need to make “The Business Case” for automated testing, along with automated software testing pitfalls to avoid. I think the section on “putting the right people on the project” is one of the most relevant chapters about solving the automated software testing conundrum.
And I thought I knew QTP!: QTP Concepts Unplugged by Tarun Lalwani
QTP is still one of the most popular automated testing tools out there (see Gartner’s magic quadrant testing 2011 report). Before writing the foreword to this book, I read it from front to back, and it kept my interest throughout -- even though its content is technical, it’s story-based and well written. This book is focused toward conceptual knowledge of QTP and explores various topics on QTP in a unique fashion. It is solid for any QTP user and complements Tarun's first book, QuickTest professional Unplugged.
Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams by Lisa Crispin, Janet Gregory
Even though this book does not solely focus on automated software testing, it does contain an entire Part related to Automation. The topics covered, such as “why we want to automate tests and what holds us back” along with an “agile automated testing strategy” is an excellent guide for anyone trying to implement automated testing in an agile development environment. Additionally, this book provides the “ten principles for agile testers” that can be applied across any automated testing program.