Adding Life Events to Your Facebook Timeline
- Understanding Facebooks Timeline
- What Is a Life Event?
- Adding Events to Your Timeline
- Deleting Events from Your Timeline
Facebook recently updated its user profile pages to the new Timeline view. The Timeline is just that: a timeline of all your activity, both on and off Facebook. Not surprisingly, Facebook knows everything you’ve posted on its site, but there are a lot of important events that happen outside of Facebook, as well as before you joined the social network.
Fortunately, Facebook lets you add these so-called “life events” to your Timeline. This way, you can manage your Timeline to show your friends everything important that’s happened to you throughout your entire life: weddings, divorces, vacations, you name it.
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Understanding Facebook’s Timeline
Before the rise of the Timeline, your Facebook Profile page displayed a bit of personal information and your most recent status updates, and that’s about it. Your new Profile page, with Facebook’s Timeline view, displays a lot more information about you, in a much different format.
What you see on your new Profile page is a giant timelinethe Timeline, as far as Facebook is concerned. There’s a bit of personal information, including your profile picture, at the top of the page, but the bulk of what you see are events on the Timeline (see Figure 1).

Figure 1 Viewing a Facebook Profile page, including the new Timeline.
The Timeline displays all your Facebook activity, in reverse chronological order. This includes all the status updates you’ve made, photos and videos you’ve uploaded, you name it. You can jump to any specific point on the Timeline by clicking a point on the literal timeline at the far right side of the page.
In addition to displaying all the stuff you’ve posted, your Timeline also includes activities and events you’ve entered into your Facebook profile. This includes things like when you born, when you graduated from high school, when you worked at a particular company, and so forth.