Processes: Workflow and Dialogs
Workflows continue to be a powerful feature in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, and now they are supported by a complementary automation of process called dialogs. To understand dialogs, think about a call center and the scripts it might use when making calls. Such a script can be configured and automated in Dynamics CRM as a dialog. Administrators and users now have the ability to create workflows or dialogs to support the automation or documentation of the business processes used. Figures 3.10 and 3.11 show dialog setup and process access.

Figure 3.10. Dialog setup.

Figure 3.11. Access to defining a process.
Security: Team and Field
Team Ownership of Entities
In previous versions of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, each entity record is either owned by the organization or owned by a specific user. This ownership then supports one dimension of the security roles. For instance you can set read, write, and update capabilities to owner access only. In Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, the system now also supports team ownership. This feature is useful when you have a number of people working on a specific account as a team or on a specific project. Instead of worrying about who should own the records and then sharing those one at a time, you can create a team for the project or account and set the entity to have a team ownership module. Records are then owned by a specific team of people. This ensures that everyone who needs access is a member of that team and that each individual team member can see all the accounts or projects that they need to see.
Field-Level Security
Prior version of Microsoft Dynamics CRM offered functional security and form based security, but when it came to a specific field CRM administrators and partners had to tap into extending. This is no longer the case as Microsoft Dynamics cRM v2011 introduces level one of Field-level security. It has just enough power to solve some immediate needs and is maturing at an incredibly fast rate. Figure 3.12 shows the first step in utilizing team security.

Figure 3.12. Field security profiles access.