- Actors and Actresses
- Celebrities
- Comedians and Humor
- DVDs
- Film Festivals
- Gaming
- Movies
- Independent Films
- Movie Reviews
- Movie Theaters
- Music
- Music Genres: Alternative
- Music Genres: Bluegrass
- Music Genres: Christian and Gospel
- Music Genres: Classical and Opera
- Music Genres: Country
- Music Genres: Hip-Hop and Rap
- Music Genres: Jazz
- Music Genres: Rock and Pop
- Music Genres: World Music
- Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Television
- Theater and Musicals
Music Genres: Hip-Hop and Rap

Hip-hop fans will find plenty of interest on this frequently updated site: daily news, interviews, reviews, multimedia (including music, videos, and podcasts), articles on the hip-hop lifestyle (fashion, gaming, gadgets, health, films, and sports), and an active, fast-growing community. Buy featured albums or other music, electronics, jewelry, and more in the site’s store. A comprehensive and well-organized site that covers everything hip-hop.
Facebook: Greg Watkins (People)
Twitter: allhiphopcom
LinkedIn: (None)
HipHop DX 
An online magazine covering the world of hip-hop, HipHop DX has these sections: Home, Hip Hop, Community, Media, Lifestyle, and Fashion. You’ll find the latest news, lyrics, album reviews, blogs, a message board and chat room, free mixtapes, and a lot more.
Web: www.hiphopdx.com
Facebook: HipHopDX.com (Group)
Twitter: HipHopDX, @HipHopDX/news
LinkedIn: (None)
Rap Basement 
In 2007, Rap Basement won Best Hip-Hop Lifestyle Site in the VH1 Hip-Hop Honors awards. It’s easy to see why: Calling itself the “hip-hop lifestyle network,” this site presents the latest news; release dates; tour schedules; music, movie, and game reviews; lyrics; wallpapers; artist interviews; and lots of multimedia, including audio, video, and photos.
Web: www.rapbasement.com
Facebook: Rap Basement (Page)
Twitter: rap_basement, @rap_basement/rappear
LinkedIn: (None)