- Introduction
- Understanding HTML
- Using the Reference Panel
- Using Code View
- Using Code Live View
- Setting Code View Options
- Entering HTML Code
- Using Code Hints
- Working with HTML Head Tags
- Inserting HTML Comments
- Using the Coding Toolbar
- Using Quick Tag Editor
- Using the Tag Inspector
- Using the Tag Chooser
- Opening Related Files
- Navigating to Related Code
- Setting Site Specific Code Hints
- Setting Code Hint Preferences
- Setting Code Format Preferences
- Setting Code Rewriting Preferences
- Setting Code Color Preferences
Entering HTML Code
You can enter HTML code in Code view like you are typing text into a word processor. However, when you type HTML code, it uses a specific structure and layout. As you type, the Code Hints popup menu appears to help you enter correct HTML code tag names, attributes, and values as you type code in Code view or the Quick Tag Editor. For example, when a tag requires the selection of a color, Dreamweaver displays a color palette. When a font is required, a font list is automatically displayed, and when a file is required a browse button magically appears allowing you to select and insert the file. If a page does contain invalid code, it appears in Design view and optionally highlights in Code view. When you select the invalid code, the Properties panel displays information as to why the code is invalid and steps to fix it.
Enter HTML in Code View
Open the Web page you want to view code.
Switch to the Code view.
Click to the right of a tag and press Enter to create a space between the opening and closing body tag.
Enter the HTML code you want on the new line.
Code Hints. When you type the left brace “<” the Code Hints popup menu appears, listing all possible HTML codes. Begin entering in the code name, and Code Hints will display the correct code. Double-click it or select it and press Enter (Win) or Return (Mac) to add the tag.
To indent the selected code, press Tab; to outdent the selected code, press Shift+Tab.
To add a closing tag, type a left brace and forward slash “</”, and Dreamweaver will automatically insert the correct closing tag.
To remove a tag, right-click in the tag, and then click Remove Tag.