Using the Windows 7 Desktop
- Starting a Program From the Start Menu
- Opening a New Program Window
- Maximizing, Minimizing, Restoring, and Resizing a Window
- Using Aero Snap to Manage Windows
- Using Aero Peek to View the Desktop
- Using Alt-Tab to Cycle Through Programs
- Using Windows Flip (WIN-TAB) to Cycle Through Programs
- Using the Taskbar to View and Select Running Programs
- Closing a Program
- Using Desktop Gadgets
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From using the new Taskbar to customizing Desktop Gadgets, Mark Edward Soper shows you how to get around in Windows 7.
This chapter is from the book
Although the Windows 7 desktop still has a taskbar across the bottom of the screen, it represents a huge departure from previous Windows desktops. The new desktop makes it easier to manage programs, switch between program windows, and find the window you want to work with now.
Starting a Program From the Start Menu
You can start a program from a desktop shortcut, but you’re more likely to start a program from the Start menu.

Click the Start orb.
If the program is listed on the left pane, click it to start it.
If the program is not listed on the left pane, hover the mouse over All Programs.
Scroll to the program listing.
Click the program listing to start it.

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