Chapter 3 Navigating the Linux File System
- Chapter 3 Navigating the Linux File System
- Changing Directories with the cd Command
- Listing Directories
- Viewing Text Files
- Creating Files and Directories
- Copying Files and Directories
- Moving and Renaming Files and Directories
- Creating Symbolic Links
- Deleting Files and Directories
- Finding Files and Directories
- Using the GNOME gmc Client
- Using the KDE File Manager kfm
- Searching Text Files
Chapter 3 Navigating the Linux File System
You should know where you are or where you're going when you work with Linux. This section shows you how to navigate your directories at the console or through a terminal window, the GNOME desktop, and the K Desktop Environment (KDE) in X.
Printing the Current Working Directory
Use the pwd (print working directory) command to print the current, or present, working directory (that is, the directory where you are at that moment):
$ pwd /home/michael
A binary version of the pwd command can be found under the /bin directory, but nearly all shells have a built-in pwd command.
The built-in pwd command is documented in each shell's manual pages; or, from a bash command line, type help pwd.