- Code Framework
- Where to Download the Examples
- Hello Triangle Example
- Building and Running the Examples
- Using the OpenGL ES 2.0 Framework
- Creating a Simple Vertex and Fragment Shader
- Compiling and Loading the Shaders
- Creating a Program Object and Linking the Shaders
- Setting the Viewport and Clearing the Color Buffer
- Loading the Geometry and Drawing a Primitive
- Displaying the Back Buffer
Building and Running the Examples
The example programs developed in this book all run on top of AMD's OpenGL ES 2.0 emulator. This emulator provides a Windows implementation of the EGL 1.3 and OpenGL ES 2.0 APIs. The standard GL2 and EGL header files provided by Khronos are used as an interface to the emulator. The emulator is a full implementation of OpenGL ES 2.0, which means that graphics code written on the emulator should port seamlessly to real devices. Note that the emulator requires that you have a desktop GPU with support for the desktop OpenGL 2.0 API.
We have designed the code framework to be portable to a variety of platforms. However, for the purposes of this book all of the examples are built using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 with an implementation for Win32 on AMD's OpenGL ES 2.0 emulator. The OpenGL ES 2.0 examples are organized in the following directories:
Common/—Contains the OpenGL ES 2.0 Framework project, code, and the emulator.
Chapter_X/—Contains the example programs for each chapter. A Visual Studio 2005 solution file is provided for each project.
To build and run the Hello Triangle program used in this example, open Chapter_2/Hello_Triangle/Hello_Triangle.sln in Visual Studio 2005. The application can be built and run directly from the Visual Studio 2005 project. On running, you should see the image shown in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1 Hello Triangle Example
Note that in addition to providing sample programs, later in the book we provide several examples with a free shader development tool from AMD called RenderMonkey v1.80. RenderMonkey workspaces are used where we want to focus on just the shader code in an example. RenderMonkey provides a very flexible integrated development environment (IDE) for developing shader effects. The examples that have an .rfx extension can be viewed using RenderMonkey v1.80. A screenshot of the RenderMonkey IDE with an OpenGL ES 2.0 effect is shown in Color Plate 2.