Creating a New Project
When you first start Visual Studio .NET, you're shown the Start Page tab within the IDE. You can open projects created previously or create new projects from this Start page (see Figure 1.1). For this quick tour, you're going to create a new Windows application, so open the File menu and click New Project to display the New Project dialog box shown in Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.1 You can open existing projects or create new projects from the Visual Studio Start page.

Figure 1.2 The New Project dialog box enables you to create many types of .NET projects.
The New Project dialog box is used to specify the type of Visual C# project to create. (You can create many types of projects with Visual C#, as well as with the other supported languages of the .NET Framework.) The options shown in Figure 1.2 are limited because I am running the Express edition of Visual C# for all examples in this books. If you are running the full version of Visual C#, many more options are available to you.
Create a new Windows application by following these steps:
- Make sure that the Windows Application icon is selected (if it's not, click it once to select it).
- At the bottom of the New Project dialog box is a Name text box. This is where, oddly enough, you specify the name of the project you're creating. Enter Picture Viewer in the Name text box.
- Click OK to create the project.
When Visual C# creates a new Windows application project, it adds one form (the empty gray window) for you to begin building the interface—the graphical windows with which you interact—for your application (see Figure 1.3).

Figure 1.3 New Windows applications start with a blank form; the fun is just beginning!
Your Visual Studio 2008 environment might look different from that shown in the figures of this hour because of the edition of Visual Studio 2008 you're using, whether you've already played with Visual Studio 2008, and other factors such as the resolution of your monitor. All the elements discussed in this hour exist in all editions of Visual Studio 2008, however. (If a window shown in a figure isn't displayed in your IDE, use the View menu to display it.)