- Creating an Agile Culture through Trust and Ownership: An Interview with Pollyanna Pixton and Niel Nickolaisen
- Apr 10, 2014
- Phil Windley talks to Pollyanna Pixton and Niel Nickolaisen about their book, The Agile Culture: Leading through Trust and Ownership, why command and control management doesn't work with software teams, and why really trusting your team can make all the difference in your products, your work environment, and employee quality, satisfaction, and retention.
- Preface to The Art of Computer Programming, Volume I: Fundamental Algorithms
- Mar 25, 2014
- To mark the release of the official multi-format ebook of Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming, Volume I, we are pleased to make available the preface to this seminal work.
- Unleashing Talent in an Agile Culture: Leading through Trust and Ownership
- Feb 28, 2014
- No one person can know everything and needs to rely on the talents of others to be successful in a role, on a project, or in the marketplace. With the increasing pace of change, trusting each other—and unleashing talent—is critical.
- Applying Test-Driven Development to Architecture to Keep Your Team on Target
- Feb 20, 2014
- Max Guernsey III (author of Test-Driven Database Development: Unlocking Agility) and Mike Brown discuss how to take advantage of the talents of your team's architects to develop visionary software responsibly.
- Four Tips for Integrating Quality Assurance with Scrum
- Feb 17, 2014
- These four tips for integrating Quality Assurance practices into your Scrum process will support the underlying Agile value. Principles from the Agile Manifesto are applied in ways that affect your approach to software quality. You will learn how to address impediments to adopting those principles and why the approach of testing software as you go, not waiting until the very end of your Sprints, not only builds in better quality but promotes a deeper understanding of the entire application for the entire Scrum Team. Discover the common obstacles involved with Agile adoptions, and learn to apply temporary fixes in your Quality Assurance processes along the way, as long as your team learns from each experience and continually improves.
- Preface to The Agile Culture: Leading through Trust and Ownership
- Feb 5, 2014
- The authors of The Agile Culture: Leading through Trust and Ownership introduce their book and explain how their set of proven tools can help organizational members at any level create a culture that embraces and fosters Agile methodologies and delivers products customers love.
- Agile Software Development in the Large: Questions for Jutta Eckstein
- Feb 3, 2014
- InformIT interviews Jutta Eckstein, author of Agile Software Development in the Large: Diving Into the Deep, about the challenges large teams face with regard to agile processes and the most exciting developments in agile.
- Cutting a Monster Project Down to a Manageable Size
- Jan 2, 2014
- Most major tasks seem overwhelming when viewed as a whole. Pat Brans advises taking a step back from the distracting enormity of the goal. By breaking it into achievable segments that fit together to complete the task, you can stay focused and accomplish your mission one segment at a time.
- Save Your Software from the Start: Overcoming Skewed Thinking in the Project Planning Stage
- Dec 28, 2013
- Cognitive biases can prevent us from predicting the future accurately. Other mental skews might hinder our capacity to diagnose current problems correctly. Pat Brans describes how to overcome skewed thinking to get to the real problem source. Learn some ways of applying sound 'preventive thinking' principles to project work, specifically to software projects.
- My Life in Tech: A Q&A with Grace A. Lewis of the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University
- Dec 27, 2013
- Grace A. Lewis discusses the work she's doing as part of the Edge-Enabled Tactical Systems (EETS) research team at the Software Engineering Institute.
- Prelude: Computing from Ancient Times to the Modern Era
- Dec 23, 2013
- From ancient times through today, there was a human need for various kinds of calculations. In this chapter from The Technical and Social History of Software Engineering, Capers Jones documents the history of computing.
- My Life in Tech: Q&A with IBM Distinguished Engineer Mandy Chessell
- Dec 10, 2013
- Mandy Chessell talks to InformIT about what's changed at IBM over the last quarter-century, how she was inspired to work at IBM at age 14, and advice for those interested in building a successful career in technology.
- Lessons in Software Project Management from Healthcare.gov
- Nov 28, 2013
- Ron Lichty and Mickey Mantle talk about how the orchestrators of Healthcare.gov clearly ignored the many of the rules of thumb for software development that are important for those of us tasked with such responsibility.
- How Value-Stream-Oriented Architecture Can Help You Create Better Software
- Nov 21, 2013
- Organizing software architecture around real customer problems and focusing on enabling one value stream at a time enables an architect to greatly improve his effectiveness. Reluctant software architect Max Guernsey shows you how to design a solution that applies lean thinking principles and creates an elegant, reusable answer to whatever assignment you and your team have been tasked with solving.
- Agile Breakthrough Techniques to Keep You from "Waterfalling Backward": Whole Teams
- Nov 15, 2013
- This chapter describes why whole teams experience better communication, productivity, and collective knowledge sharing than traditional silo’d teams. It makes a case for keeping teams intact as well as protecting them from interruption during a product release.
- How “Go To” People Help Make Agile Software Development Work (and How You Can Become One)
- Nov 12, 2013
- Leslie Ekas explains who "go to" people are (you know them already—the ones you contact first to find out what's going on) and why they are particularly beneficial for teams who plan on adopting agile.
- What Will 100 Gbps Broadband Satellite Technology Mean to You?
- Nov 6, 2013
- In planes, trains, ships, and automobiles, the advent of 30-100 Gbps connectivity via satellite will redefine "access." It's not just consumers either, as 50% of enterprise terminals are predicted to use high-capacity satellite platforms by 2020. What does the advent of 100 Gbps over satellite mean to us—and what will it cost? Technical futurist Leo Wrobel explains in this article.
- Microsoft Project 2013 and the Project Management Domain
- Oct 31, 2013
- This chapter identifies accepted standards and methodologies that are in use within the field of project management and provides some examples of how they are used with Project.
- Complex-Event Processing Solution Design Patterns with TIBCO
- Oct 24, 2013
- This chapter identifies the kinds of variation you can expect in architectural patterns that arise in complex-event processing (CEP) solutions and presents a number of well-understood patterns, each of which addresses a common business challenge.
- What's New in System Center 2012 Orchestrator
- Oct 23, 2013
- This chapter from System Center 2012 Orchestrator Unleashed focuses on changes to Orchestrator in System Center 2012. If you have an OIS 6.3 background, reading this chapter can provide a smooth transition to understanding this System Center component. The chapter covers technology changes and discusses how Microsoft’s rebranding affects Orchestrator’s position in System Center. This chapter also provides a brief overview of the history of Orchestrator.