3.60 vxml
Element type |
vxml |
Attributes |
application | base | version | xml:lang |
Parents |
None. |
Children |
catch | error | form | help | link | meta | menu | noinput | nomatch | property | script | var |
Description |
Contains a VoiceXML document. |
<!ELEMENT vxml (%event.handler; | form | link | menu | meta | property | script | var)+ > <!ATTLIST vxml application %uri; #IMPLIED base %uri; #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED version CDATA #REQUIRED >
Language model

application : uri
Indicates that this VoiceXML document is an application leaf document of the specified application root document.
base : uri
The base URI for all relative URIs within this document.
version : CDATA
Indicates the version of VoiceXML used in this document.
xml:lang : NMTOKEN
Specifies the spoken language used with this element - for example, en-US for US English.
The children of this element comprise a VoiceXML document. Upon loading a VoiceXML document, the interpreter will execute each child element in the order it appears until it reaches either a form or a menu. It will then execute the first form or menu it encounters and exit.
Example 3-71 A very simple VoiceXML application
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <vxml version="2.0"> <form> <block> <prompt>Hello world.</prompt> </block> </form> </vxml>