Firing Up m0n0wall
As m0n0wall is fired up, you will see a flurry of messages pass by. You should be able to ignore most of these messages under normal circumstances. After a short while, you should be presented with the m0n0wall console screen. For our purposes, directly preceding the Console Setup menu, you should see a port configuration acknowledging the presence of your two network interfaces: one assigned to the LAN and one assigned to the WAN as pointed out in Figure 2.

Figure 2 m0n0wall's Console Setup screen.
At this point, assume that you have plugged in your cables as shown in Figure 1 to the correct NICs. In a short while, you’ll need to connect to the m0n0wall web administration console. If you are unable to do that, it’s likely your LAN and WAN cables are swapped. No worries. You can just unswap them and try again. Alternatively, you can use the Automatic Detection feature found in the Set Up LAN IP Address Console Setup option.