- Changing Drawing Settings
- Drawing with the Line Tool
- Drawing with the Pencil Tool
- Drawing Shapes with the Rectangle and Oval Tools
- Using the Polystar Tool
- Understanding Selections
- Selecting Strokes with the Arrow Tool
- Selecting Strokes and Fills with the Arrow Tool
- Making Selections with the Lasso Tool
- Zooming In and Out with the Magnifying Glass
- Moving Around with the Hand Tool
- Displaying Rulers
- Using Grids and Guides
- Modifying Grid and Guide Settings
- Using Snap Align
- Changing Stroke and Fill Colors
- Creating Custom Colors
- Editing Strokes with the Ink Bottle
- Editing Fills with the Paint Bucket
- Editing Strokes and Fills with the Eyedropper
- Creating Gradients
- Using the Fill Lock
- Using Paint Brush Modes
- Drawing with the Pen Tool
- Drawing Curves with the Pen Tool
- Modifying Shapes with the Arrow Tool
- Modifying Shapes with the Sub-Selection Tool
- Using the Free Transform Tool
- Using Transform Options for Shapes
- Transforming Gradient Fills
- Cutting and Pasting Graphics Between Layers
- Working with Graphics on Different Layers
- Distributing Graphics to Layers
- Working With Object Drawing
Using Grids and Guides
Flash comes with guides, grids, and rulers to help you lay out artwork and objects with precision. A grid is a series of crisscrossed lines that aid in aligning objects to each other on the Stage. Guides and grids are modifiable. You can change their visibility, position, color, and frequency. These items are invisible by default, but they can be easily turned on and adjusted. Though you see them in the Flash development environment, they are invisible on export. Use guides to align art and objects to each other on vertical or horizontal paths, or turn on the grid for use in designing a layout that is proportional and balanced.

Show and Hide Grids
- Click the View menu, point to Grid, and then click Show Grid.
A check mark next to the option means its visibility is enabled.
- To hide the grid, click the View menu, point to Grid, and then click Show Grid to remove the check mark and hide the grid.
+apostrophe (’) (Mac) or Ctrl+apostrophe (’) (Win) to toggle Grid visibility on and off.
Create Guides
- Click the View menu, and then click Rulers to display rulers.
- Click on the vertical ruler on the left side of the work area with the Arrow pointer and drag to the right, and then release
the mouse where you want to place the vertical guide.
A small directional triangle and line appears next to the pointer as you drag indicating that you are dragging the guide.
- Click on the horizontal ruler at the top of the work area with the Arrow pointer and drag down, and then release the mouse where you want to place the horizontal guide.
- Reposition the guides by selecting them with the pointer.