- What's Covered in This Chapter
- Design Approach and Artifact Choices
- Free-Form Architecture Diagram
- From User Stories to Design
- Exploring Classes Using CRC Cards
- Application Flow Map (Homegrown Artifact)
- UML Class Diagram
- UML Package Diagram
- Directory Structure
- Sample File Names
- End-to-End Development Steps
- Acceptance Tests
- Other Considerations
- Summary
- Recommended Resources
This chapter is from the book
UML Class Diagram
Next, we will look at a rudimentary class diagram. This is an optional step in my opinion (see sidebar on UML diagrams) because our CRC cards and application flow map provide us with enough information to move forward with coding. However, class diagrams can be a good thing when used appropriately.
Figure 3.5 shows a sample and minimal class diagram for the classes we have defined so far.

Figure 3.5 Sample class diagram for Time Expression.