MySQL Query Browser
- 3.1 MySQL Query Browser Capabilities
- 3.2 Using MySQL Query Browser
- 3.3 Using the Query Window
- 3.4 The MySQL Table Editor
- 3.5 Connection Management
- 3.6 The Options Dialog
This chapter discusses MySQL Query Browser, a client program that provides a graphical interface to the MySQL server for querying and analyzing data. The chapter covers the following exam topics:
- An overview of MySQL Query Browser features
- Launching MySQL Query Browser
- Query construction and execution capabilities
- The MySQL Table Editor
- Connection management capabilities
- The Options dialog
3.1 MySQL Query Browser Capabilities
MySQL Query Browser is a cross-platform GUI client program that’s intuitive and easy to use. It provides a graphical interface to the MySQL server for querying and analyzing data. It’s similar in style of use to MySQL Administrator but is oriented toward accessing database contents rather than server administration.
The following list describes some of the ways that you can use MySQL Query Browser:
- Interactively enter, edit, and execute queries.
- Navigate result sets with scrolling. Multiple result sets are tabbed so that you can switch between them easily by selecting the appropriate tab.
- Browse the databases available on the server, the tables and stored routines in databases, and the columns in tables.
- Browse your query history to see what queries you’ve issued, or recall and re-execute previous queries.
- Bookmark queries for easy recall.
- Create or drop databases and tables, and modify the structure of existing tables.
- Create and edit SQL scripts, with debugging.
- Edit connection profiles that can be used to connect to servers more easily.
- Access information from the MySQL Reference Manual, such as statement syntax and function descriptions.
MySQL Query Browser supports multiple server connections and opens a separate window for each connection that you establish.