- FAQ 319: What is eScript?
- FAQ 320: Language integration phase 1: How do I compile and build programs?
- FAQ 321: How do I load source files edited outside Eclipse?
- FAQ 322: How do I run an external builder on my source files?
- FAQ 323: How do I implement a compiler that runs inside Eclipse?
- FAQ 324: How do I react to changes in source files?
- FAQ 325: How do I implement an Eclipse builder?
- FAQ 326: Where are project build specifications stored?
- FAQ 327: How do I add a builder to a given project?
- FAQ 328: How do I implement an incremental project builder?
- FAQ 329: How do I handle setup problems for a given builder?
- FAQ 330: How do I make my compiler incremental?
- FAQ 331: Language integration phase 2: How do I implement a DOM?
- FAQ 332: How do I implement a DOM for my language?
- FAQ 333: How can I ensure that my model is scalable?
- FAQ 334: Language integration phase 3: How do I edit programs?
- FAQ 335: How do I write an editor for my own language?
- FAQ 336: How do I add Content Assist to my language editor?
- FAQ 337: How do I add hover support to my text editor?
- FAQ 338: How do I create problem markers for my compiler?
- FAQ 339: How do I implement Quick Fixes for my own language?
- FAQ 340: How do I support refactoring for my own language?
- FAQ 341: How do I create an Outline view for my own language editor?
- FAQ 342: Language integration phase 4: What are the finishing touches?
- FAQ 343: What wizards do I define for my own language?
- FAQ 344: When does my language need its own nature?
- FAQ 345: When does my language need its own perspective?
- FAQ 346: How do I add documentation and help for my own language?
- FAQ 347: How do I support source-level debugging for my own language?
FAQ 343: What wizards do I define for my own language?
This depends on your language. For instance, the PDE offers wizards for creating plug-ins, features, plug-in fragments, and update sites. In addition, the PDE provides support for converting something existing into a form it can work with, such as converting a regular project to a plug-in project.
In the case of Java, the JDT offers wizards for the obvious things—Java projects, packages, classes, and interfaces—as well as for less obvious ones such as a wizard for creating a scrapbook page and a source folder. The CDT offers wizards for generating a C++ class and for creating either a standard make file project or a managed make project for C or C++. Furthermore, the CDT has a wizard for converting a normal project to a C/C++ project.
If we look at eScript, the only appropriate wizard type seems to be the creation of an eScript file, where the user would choose whether the generated code should include the definition of a feature and an update site. An extra wizard page could be added to generate code to implement plug-ins that contribute a view, editor, and so on.
When certain wizards are used frequently, consider showing them in the toolbar by contributing an action set.
For instructions on writing wizards, look at Help > Platform Plug-in Developer Guide > Programmer’s Guide > Dialogs and Wizards > Wizards.
FAQ 155 What is a wizard?
FAQ 344 When does my language need its own nature?
eclipse.org article “Creating JFace Wizards”