- FAQ 1: What is Eclipse?
- FAQ 2: What is the Eclipse Platform?
- FAQ 3: Where did Eclipse come from?
- FAQ 4: What is the Eclipse Foundation?
- FAQ 5: How can my users tell where Eclipse ends and a product starts?
- FAQ 6: What are Eclipse projects and technologies?
- FAQ 7: How do I propose my own project?
- FAQ 8: Who is building commercial products based on Eclipse?
- FAQ 9: What open source projects are based on Eclipse?
- FAQ 10: What academic research projects are based on Eclipse?
- FAQ 11: Who uses Eclipse in the classroom?
- FAQ 12: What is an Eclipse Innovation Grant?
- FAQ 13: What Eclipse newsgroups are available?
- FAQ 14: How do I get access to Eclipse newsgroups?
- FAQ 15: What Eclipse mailing lists are available?
- FAQ 16: What articles on Eclipse have been written?
- FAQ 17: What books have been written on Eclipse?
- FAQ 18: How do I report a bug in Eclipse?
- FAQ 19: How can I search the existing list of bugs in Eclipse?
- FAQ 20: What do I do if my feature request is ignored?
- FAQ 21: Can I get my documentation in PDF form, please?
- FAQ 22: Where do I find documentation for a given extension point?
- FAQ 23: How is Eclipse licensed?
This chapter is from the book
FAQ 22: Where do I find documentation for a given extension point?
At least three simple ways exist to find documentation for extension points:
Use platform help. See Help > Help Contents > Platform Plug-in Developer Guide > Reference > Extension Point Reference
Go online to the Eclipse Project documentation site
While contributing an extension point using the PDE Manifest Editor, select the Extensions tab and choose Add > Add... > Generic Wizards > Schema-based Extensions > Details
Note that Search > Plug-in Search lets you search for all uses of a given extension point.