Can't Find Snap-Ins
The snap-ins I'm looking for aren't included in the list of snap-ins on my computer.
In order for a snap-in to appear on the list, the snap-in DLL must be present and registered on your computer. The .NET Enterprise Servers all provide a Client Tools installation option, which installs snap-in DLLs, registers them, and even installs preconfigured consoles that include the snap-ins. If you're trying to add the snap-in from a product that doesn't offer a Client Tools installation option, try to copy the snap-in DLL from the server where the product is installed. Once copied to your local computer, use regsvr32 to register the DLL.
This trick may not always work. While some snap-ins only require the snap-in DLL in order to work, other snap-ins require their own DLL plus additional DLLs that provide extra functionality. In those cases, simply copying the snap-in DLL won't be sufficient. However, the snap-in DLL should provide an error message indicating which DLLs it needs, and you can use that error message to copy and register any additional DLLs on your workstation.
If all else fails, contact the product's manufacturer. They may offer a downloadable client tools installation package, or may be able to help you configure their product's snap-in to run on your workstation.
Cluster Name Resolution
I or my networkclients are having problems resolving a cluster's name to an IP address.
Clusters register their name with network name resolution services (WINS and DNS) just like a regular server does. Check your WINS server and DNS server to make sure that both cluster nodes and the cluster name itself are included in the database. If they aren't, ensure that both cluster nodes are configured with a WINS server address and a DNS server address, and that DNS is configured to accept dynamic updates. If the cluster's name still isn't being registered, you can temporarily add a static entry to WINS or DNS for the cluster name. Don't rely on the static entry forever, though; failure to register the cluster name indicates a WINS or DNS problem that you should solve before it begins affecting other computers on your network.