How to Create and Organize an IT Process Catalog
- How to Use This Catalog
- Form and Content of Process Catalog Entries
- Application Optimization
- Asset Management
- Budget Management
- Business Continuity
- Business Relationship Management
- Capacity Planning
- Change Management
- Configuration Management
- Contract Management
- Contractor Management
- Cost Recovery
- Data Storage Management
- Facilities Management
- Inventory Management
- Job Scheduling
- Negotiation Management
- Network Management
- Output Management
- Performance Management
- Problem Management
- Production Acceptance
- Production Control
- Physical Database Management
- Quality Assurance
- Security Management
- Service-Level Management
- Service Request Management
- Software Distribution
- System Monitoring
- Tape Management
- Workload Monitoring
The Process Catalog is an IT organization's single source for the definition of IT operations processes. The Process Catalog is invaluable in the management and continuous improvement of these processes.
How to Use This Catalog
Readers should mold this Process Catalog to meet the needs of their IT organizations. We have included 38 sample processes in this chapter. The number of processes that an organization would include in its own catalog, as well as detail in which they are described, depends on the extent of the OE effort. Readers are encouraged to delete, rename, expand, or collapse the processes that require modification in their analysis.
At a minimum, each process should be measured according to automation and stability levels. Processes are a balance of manual and automated tasks. Stable or "commoditized" processes introduce opportunities for automation. Target values represent the automation or stability levels as implemented in best-practice organizations. Such values are subjective, but provide a baseline from which to begin gap analysis and process improvement.
A generic explanation of the Process Catalog entries is provided as a preface to the alphabetically ordered catalog entries.