Colors and Fonts
Several design techniques can be used for the colors and fonts in web pages:
Use the same background for all your web pages. Using different backgrounds may confuse users into thinking that they've accidentally left your web site. Using the same background for all pages can also ensure that once a web page has been loaded, the rest of the pages are loaded from the hard disk cache, which speeds up the download.
Choose backgrounds with soft colors and patterns that won't make it difficult to read the text on the page.
It is often useful to have backgrounds that are either too light or too dark. This can help depending on the color and font used in the foreground text.
Choose foreground and background colors that are opposite to each other on the color wheel. The font color you choose should be compatible with the background color and pattern.
To speed up the downloading process, choose backgrounds with small file sizes.
The general standard for links is blue underlined text. If you plan to follow this standard, choose backgrounds that will be compatible with blue underlined text.
Most browsers allow users to select a default font for all text, thereby overriding the one(s) that you have chosen. Any font that you want to remain unchanged, such as page titles and logos, should be converted into GIF or JPG graphics. Don't overdo this, however; graphics can increase the loading time.