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.NET Languages

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C# Types

Each type defined by C# is built on an analogous CTS type provided by the CLR. Table 4-1 shows most of the CTS types and their C# equivalents. As mentioned earlier in this book, all of these data types are defined in the System namespace. The C# equivalents shown here are in fact just shorthand synonyms for these alternative definitions. In the example just shown, for instance, the line

int i; 

could have been replaced with

System.Int32 i; 

Both work, and both produce exactly the same results.

Table 4-1 Some CTS Types and Their C# Equivalents





































Note that C# is case sensitive. Declaring a variable as Double rather than double will result in a compiler error. For people accustomed to languages derived from C, this will seem normal. To others, however, it might take a little getting used to.


C# classes expose the behaviors of a CTS class using a C-derived syntax. For example, CTS classes can implement one or more interfaces, but inherit directly from at most one other class. A C# class Calculator that implements the interfaces

IAlgebra and ITrig and inherits from the class MathBasics would be declared as

class Calculator : MathBasics, IAlgebra, ITrig { ... } 

Note that the class must come first in this list. C# classes can also be labeled as sealed or abstract, as defined in Chapter 3, and be assigned public or internal visibility. These translate into the CTS-defined visibilities public and assembly, respectively. The default is internal. All of this information is stored in the metadata for this class once it has been compiled.

A C# class can contain fields, methods, and properties, all of which are defined for any CTS class. Each of these has an accessibility, which is indicated in C# by an appropriate access modifier such as public or private. It can also contain one or more constructors, called when an instance of this class is created, and at most one destructor, which is actually the name C# uses for a finalizer, a concept described in Chapter 3. If the class inherits from another class, it can potentially override one or more of the type members, such as a method, in its parent. To do this, the member being overridden must be declared as virtual.

A class can also define overloaded operators. An overloaded operator is one that has been redefined to have a special meaning when used with instances of this class. For example, a class representing workgroups in an organization might redefine the + operator to mean combining two workgroups into one.


Interfaces are relatively simple things, and the basic C# syntax for describing an interface was shown in the earlier example. Not shown there was how C# expresses multiple interface inheritance, that is, one interface that inherits from more than one parent. If, for example, the interface ITrig inherits from the three interfaces ISine, ICosine, and ITangent, it could be declared as

Interface ITrig: ISine, ICosine, ITangent { ... } 

ITrig will contain all the methods, properties, and other type members defined in its three parent interfaces as well as anything it defines on its own.


Reflecting their definition in the CTS, structures in C# are much like classes. They can contain methods, fields, and properties, implement interfaces, and more. They are value types rather than reference types, however, which means they're allocated on the stack. Value types also are prohibited from participating in inheritance. Unlike a class, a structure can't inherit from another type, and it's also not possible to define a type that inherits from a structure.

Here's a simple example of a C# structure:

struct employee 
      string name; 
      int age; 

In this example, the structure contains only fields, much like a traditional C-style structure. Yet a structure can be much more complex. The Compute class shown earlier, for instance, could be converted to a structure, methods and all, by just changing the word class in its definition to struct. The program would function in just the same way.


Passing a reference to a method is a reasonably common thing to do. For example, suppose you need to tell some chunk of code what method in your code should be called when a specific event occurs. You need some way to pass in the identity of this callback function at runtime. In C and C++, you can do this by passing the address of the method, that is, a pointer to the code you want to be called. In the type-safe world of the .NET Framework, however, passing raw addresses isn't allowed. Yet the problem doesn't go away. A type-safe way to pass a reference to a method is still useful.

As described briefly in Chapter 3, the CTS defines the reference type delegate for this purpose. A delegate is an object that contains a reference to a method with a specific signature. Once it has been created and initialized, it can be passed as a parameter into some other method and then invoked. Here's a simple example of creating and using a delegate in C#:

delegate void SDelegate(string s); 
class DelegateExample 
   public static void Main() 
      SDelegate del = new SDelegate(WriteString); 
   public static void CallDelegate(SDelegate Write) 
      System.Console.WriteLine("In CallDelegate"); 
      Write("A delegated hello"); 
   public static void WriteString(string s) 
      System.Console.WriteLine("In WriteString: 
          {0}", s); 

The example begins by defining SDelegate as a delegate type. This definition specifies that SDelegate objects can only contain references to methods that take a single string parameter. In the example's Main method, a variable del of type SDelegate is declared, then initialized to contain a reference to the WriteString method. This method is defined later in the class, and as required, it has a single parameter of type string. Main then invokes the CallDelegate method, passing in del as a parameter.

CallDelegate is defined to take an SDelegate as its parameter. In other words, what gets passed to this method is a delegate object that contains the address of some method. Because it's an SDelegate, that method must have a single parameter of type string. Inside CallDelegate, the method identified by the passed-in parameter is referred to as Write, and after printing a simple message, CallDelegate invokes this Write method. Because Write is actually a delegate, however, what really gets called is the method this delegate references, WriteString. The output of this simple example is

In CallDelegate 
In WriteString: A delegated hello 

Note that the CallDelegate method executes first, followed by WriteString.

Delegates can be significantly more complicated than this. They can be combined, for example, so that calling a single delegate results in calls to the two or more other delegates it contains. Yet even simple delegates can be useful. By providing a type-safe way to pass a reference to a method, they offer this important feature of C and C++ in a much less risky way.


As in other languages, C# arrays are ordered groups of elements of the same type. Unlike many other languages, however, C# arrays are objects. In fact, as described in Chapter 3, they are reference types, which means they get allocated on the heap. Here's an example that declares a single-dimensional array of integers:

int[] ages; 

Since ages is an object, no instance exists until one is explicitly created. This can be done with

ages = new int[10]; 

which allocates space for ten integers on the heap. As this example shows, a C# array has no fixed size until an instance of that array type is created. It's also possible to both declare and create an array instance in a single statement, such as

int[] ages = new int[10]; 

Arrays of any type can be declared, but exactly how an array gets allocated depends on whether it's an array of value types or reference types. The example just shown allocates space for ten integers on the heap, while

string[] names = new string[10]; 

allocates space for ten references to strings on the heap. An array of value types, such as ints, actually contains the values, but an array of reference types, such as the strings in this example, contains only references to values.

Arrays can also have multiple dimensions. For example, the statement

int[,] points = new int[10,20]; 

creates a two-dimensional array of integers. The first dimension has 10 elements, while the second has 20. Regardless of the number of dimensions in an array, however, the lower bound of each one is always zero.

C#'s array type is built on the core array support provided by the CLR. Recall from the previous chapter that all CLR-based arrays, including all C# arrays, inherit from System.Array. This base type provides various methods and properties that can be accessed on any instance of an array type. For example, the GetLength method can be used to determine the number of elements in a particular dimension of an array, while the CopyTo method can be used to copy all of the elements in a one-dimensional array to another one-dimensional array.

C# Control Structures

C# provides the traditional set of control structures. Among the most commonly used of these is the if statement, which looks like this:

if (x > y) 
   p = true; 
p = false; 

Note that the condition for the if must be a value of type bool. It can't be an integer, as in C and C++.

C# also has a switch statement. Here's an example:

switch (x) 
    case 1: 
      y = 100; 
    case 2: 
      y = 200; 
       y = 300; 

Depending on the value of x, y will be set to either 100, 200, or 300. The break statements cause control to jump to whatever statement follows this switch. Unlike C and C++, these (or similar) statements are mandatory in C#, even for the default case. Omitting them will produce a compiler error.

C# also includes various kinds of loops. In a while loop, the condition must evaluate to a bool rather than an integer value, which again is different from C and C++. There's also a do/while combination that puts the test at the bottom rather than the top, and a for loop, which was illustrated in the earlier example. Finally, C# includes a foreach statement, which allows iterating through all the elements in a value of a collection type. There are various ways a type can qualify as a collection type, the most straightforward of which is to implement the standard interface System.IEnumerable. A common example of a collection type is an array, and so one use of a foreach loop is to examine or manipulate each element in an array.

C# also includes a goto statement, which jumps to a particular labeled point in the program, and a continue statement, which immediately returns to the top of whatever loop it's contained in and starts the next iteration. In general, the control structures in this new language are not very new, and so they will be familiar to anybody who knows another high-level language.

Other C# Features

The fundamentals of a programming language are in its types and control structures. There are many more interesting things in C#, however—too many to cover in detail in this short survey. This section provides brief looks at some of the more interesting additional aspects of this new language.

Working with Namespaces

Because the underlying class libraries are so fundamental, namespaces are a critical part of programming with the .NET Framework. One way to invoke a method in the class libraries is by giving its fully qualified name. In the example shown earlier, for instance, the WriteLine method was invoked with


To lessen the amount of typing required, C# provides the using statement. This allows the contents of a namespace to be referenced with shorter names. It's common, for example, to start each C# program with the statement

using System; 

If the example shown earlier had included this line, the WriteLine method could have been invoked with just


A program can also contain several using statements if necessary, as some of the examples later in this book will illustrate. It's also possible to define your own namespaces directly in C# containing types or even other namespaces. The types they contain can then also be referenced either with fully qualified names or through appropriate using statements.

Handling Exceptions

Errors are a fact of life, at least for developers. In the .NET Framework, errors that occur at runtime are handled in a consistent way through exceptions. As in so much else, C# provides a syntax for working with exceptions, but the fundamental mechanisms are embedded in the CLR itself. This not only provides a consistent approach to error handling for all C# developers, but also means that all CLR-based languages will deal with this potentially tricky area in the same way. Errors can even be propagated across language boundaries as long as those languages are built on the .NET Framework.

An exception is an object that represents some unusual event, such as an error. The .NET Framework defines a large set of exceptions, and it's also possible to create custom exceptions. An exception is automatically raised by the runtime when errors occur. For example, in the code fragment

x = y/z; 

what happens if z is zero? The answer is that the CLR raises the System.DivideByZeroException. If no exception handling is being used, the program will terminate.

C# makes it possible to catch exceptions, however, using try/catch blocks. The code above can be changed to look like this:

    x = y/z; 
    System.Console.WriteLine("Exception caught"); 

The code within the braces of the try statement will now be monitored for exceptions. If none occurs, execution will skip the catch statement and continue. If an exception occurs, however, the code in the catch statement will be executed, in this case printing out a warning, and execution will continue with whatever statement follows the catch.

It's also possible to have different catch statements for different exceptions, and to learn exactly which exception occurred. Here's another example:

    x = y/z; 
catch (System.DivideByZeroException) 
    System.Console.WriteLine("z is zero"); 
catch (System.Exception e) 
    System.Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", 

In this case, if no exceptions occur, x will be assigned the value of y divided by z, and the code in both catch statements will be skipped. If z is zero, however, the first catch statement will be executed, printing a message to this effect. Execution will then skip the next catch statement and continue with whatever follows this try/catch block. If any other exception occurs, the second catch statement will be executed. This statement declares an object e of type System.Exception, then accesses this object's Message property to retrieve a printable string indicating what exception has occurred.

Since CLR-based languages such as C# use exceptions consistently for error handling, why not define your own exceptions for handling your own errors? This can be done by defining a class that inherits from System.Exception, then using the throw statement to raise this custom exception. These exceptions can be caught with a try/catch block, just like those defined by the system.

Although it's not shown here, it's also possible to end a try/catch block with a finally statement. The code in this statement gets executed whether or not an exception occurs. This option is useful when some final cleanup must take place no matter what happens.

Using Attributes

Once it's compiled, every C# type has associated metadata stored with it in the same file. Most of this metadata describes the type itself. As described in the previous chapter, however, metadata can also include attributes specified with this type. Given that the CLR provides a way to store attributes, it follows that C# must have some way to define attributes and their values. As described later in this book, attributes are used extensively by the .NET Framework class library. They can be applied to classes, interfaces, structures, methods, fields, parameters, and more. It's even possible to specify attributes that are applied to an entire assembly.

For example, suppose the Factorial method shown earlier had been declared with the WebMethod attribute applied to it. Assuming the appropriate using statements were in place to identity the correct namespace for this attribute, the declaration would look like this in C#:

[WebMethod] public int Factorial(int f) {...} 

This attribute is used by ASP.NET, part of the .NET Framework class library, to indicate that a method should be exposed as a SOAP-callable Web service. (For more on how this attribute is used, see Chapter 7.) Similarly, including the attribute


in a C# file will set the value of an assembly-wide attribute, one that gets stored in the assembly's manifest, containing the name of the company creating this assembly. This example also shows how attributes can have parameters, allowing their user to specify particular values for the attribute.

Developers can also create their own attributes. For example, you might wish to define an attribute that can be used to identify the date a particular C# type was modified. To do this, you can define a class that inherits from System.Attribute, then define the information you'd like that class to contain, such as a date. You can then apply this new attribute to types in your program and have the information it includes be automatically placed into the metadata for those types. Once they've been created, custom attributes can be read using the GetCustomAt-tributes method defined by the Attribute class, part of the System.Reflection namespace in the .NET Framework class library. Whether standard or custom, however, attributes are a commonly used feature in CLR-based software.

Writing Unsafe Code

C# normally relies on the CLR for memory management. When an instance of a reference type is no longer in use, for example, the CLR's garbage collector will eventually free the memory occupied by that type. As described in Chapter 3, the garbage collection process also rearranges the elements on the managed heap that are currently in use, compacting them to free more space.

What would happen if traditional C/C++ pointers were used in this environment? A pointer contains a direct memory address, so a pointer into the managed heap would reference a specific location in the heap's memory. When the garbage collector rearranged the contents of the heap to create more free space, whatever the pointer pointed to could change. Blindly mixing pointers and garbage collection is a recipe for disaster.

Yet it's sometimes necessary. For example, suppose you need to call existing non-CLR-based code, such as the underlying operating system, and the call includes a structure with embedded pointers. Or perhaps a particular section of an application is so performance critical that you can't rely on the garbage collector to manage memory for you. For situations like these, C# provides the ability to use pointers in what's known as unsafe code.

Unsafe code can use pointers, with all of the attendant benefits and pitfalls pointers entail. To make this "unsafe" activity as safe as possible, however, C# requires that all code that does this be explicitly marked with the keyword unsafe. Within an unsafe method, the fixed statement can be used to lock one or more values of a reference type in place on the managed heap. (This is sometimes called pinning a value.) Here's a simple example:

class Risky 
    unsafe public void PrintChars() 
        char[] charList = new char[2]; 
        charList[0] = 'A'; 
        charList[1] = 'B'; 

        System.Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", 
            charList[0], charList[1]); 
        fixed (char* f = charList) 
            charList[0] = *(f+1); 
       System.Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", 
            charList[0], charList[1]); 

class DisplayValues 
    static void Main() 
       Risky r = new Risky(); 

The PrintChars method in the class Risky is marked with the keyword unsafe. This method declares the small character array charList, then sets the two elements in this array to 'A' and 'B,' respectively. The first call to WriteLine produces

A   B 

just as you'd expect. The fixed statement then declares a character pointer f and initializes it to contain the address of the charList array. Within the fixed statement's body, the first element of this array is assigned the value at address f+1. (The asterisk in front of the expression means "return what's at this address.") When WriteLine is called again, the output is

B   B 

The value that is one beyond the start of the array, the character 'B,' has been assigned to the array's first position.

This example does nothing useful, of course. Its intent is to make clear that C# does allow declaring pointers, performing pointer arithmetic, and more, as long as those statements are within areas clearly marked as unsafe. The language's creators really want you to be sure about doing this, so compiling any unsafe code requires specifying the /unsafe option to the C# compiler. Also, unsafe code can't be verified for type safety, which means that the CLR's built-in code access security features described in Chapter 3 can't be used. Unsafe code can only be run in a fully trusted environment, which makes it generally unsuitable for software that will be downloaded from the Internet. Still, there are cases when unsafe code is the right solution to a difficult problem.

Preprocessor Directives

Unlike C and C++, C# has no preprocessor. Instead, the compiler has built-in support for the most useful features of a preprocessor. For example, C#'s preprocessor directives include #define, a familiar term to C and C++ developers. This directive can't be used to define an arbitrary replacement string for a word, however—you can't define macros. Instead, #define is used only to define a symbol. That symbol can then be used together with the directive #if to provide conditional compilation. For example, in the code fragment

# define DEBUG
# if DEBUG
// code compiled if DEBUG is defined
# else
//code compiled if DEBUG is not defined
# endif

DEBUG is defined, so the C# compiler would process the code between the #if and #else directives. If DEBUG were undefined, something that's accomplished using the preprocessor directive #undef, the compiler would process the code between the #else and #endif directives.

Is C# Just a Copy of Java?

C# certainly does look a lot like Java. Given the additional similarities between the CLR and the Java virtual machine, it's hard to believe that Microsoft wasn't at least somewhat inspired by Java's success. By uniting C-style syntax with objects in a more approachable fashion than C++, Java's creators found the sweet spot for a large population of developers. I have seen projects that chose the Java environment rather than Microsoft technologies primarily because, unlike Java, neither Visual Basic 6 nor C++ was seen as a good language for large-scale enterprise development.

The arrival of C# and Visual Basic.NET will surely shore up Microsoft's technology against the Java camp. The quality of the programming language is no longer an issue. Yet this once again begs the question: Isn't C# like Java?

In many ways, the answer is yes. The core semantics of the CLR are very Java-es-que. Being deeply object-oriented, providing direct support for interfaces, allowing multiple interface inheritance but only single implementation inheritance—these are all similar to Java. Yet C# also adds features that aren't available in Java. C#'s native support for properties, for instance, built on the support in the CLR, reflects the Visual Basic influence on C#'s creators. Attributes, also a CLR-based feature, provide a measure of flexibility beyond what Java offers, as does the ability to write unsafe code. Fundamentally, C# is an expression of the CLR's semantics in a C-derived syntax. Since those semantics are much like Java, C# is necessarily much like Java, too. But it's not the same language.

Is C# a better language than Java? There's no way to objectively answer this question, and it wouldn't matter if there were. Choosing a development platform based solely on the programming language is like buying a car because you like the radio. You can do it, but you'll be much happier if your decision takes into account the complete package.

If Sun had allowed Microsoft to modify Java a bit, my guess is that C# wouldn't exist today. For understandable reasons, however, Sun resisted Microsoft's attempts to customize Java for the Windows world. The result is two quite similar languages, each targeting a different development environment. Competition is good, and I'm confident that both languages will be in wide use five years from now.

C# is an attractive language. It combines a clean, concise design with a modern feature set. Although the world is littered with the carcasses of unsuccessful programming languages, C# isn't likely to join them. With Microsoft pushing it and its own quality pulling it, C# looks destined for a bright future.

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Last Update: November 17, 2020