Organizing Contacts Within the Contacts App on the Galaxy Tab 4
- Create a Group
- Add and Remove Group Members
- Remove a Group
- Mark and View Favorites
The Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 makes it easy for you to manage your life, and one of the ways the Tab 4 makes your life easier is with the pre-installed Contacts app that enables you to keep track of friends, family, and colleagues. You can access the Contacts app from the main Home screen and set up your contact database as you learned to do in Chapter 14 of My Samsung Galaxy Tab 4. After you set up your contacts, a number of settings in the Contacts app can help you find and manage your contacts more easily.
Create a Group
After you start the Contacts app, your list of contacts appears on the screen. Within the blue menu bar at the top of the screen (see Figure 1), tap the Groups tab. The groups list on the left side of the screen is divided into three sections, from top to bottom:
- The Not Assigned section shows you how many of your contacts are not part of a group. The total number of contacts appears in parentheses to the right of the Not Assigned section name.
- The Integrated Groups section shows your various groups; the number of contacts in each group appears in parentheses to the right of the group name.
The Accounts section shows the accounts on the Tab 4, which in Figure 1 are my Google and Samsung accounts. If there are groups within the account, tap the down arrow to the right of the account name to view all groups within the account.
Figure 1 The Not Assigned section is highlighted at the top of the groups list.
You can add a new group by tapping the Add icon—it looks like a plus sign (+)—at the right side of the blue menu bar that’s at the top of the screen. The Create group window appears in Figure 2, and the cursor appears in the Group Name box, so you can type the group name.

Figure 2 The Create Group window appears in the upper-right area of the screen.
After you type the name, tap Add Member underneath the Group Name box. The Add Member window appears (see Figure 3) so you can select one or more contacts to add to the group. Swipe up and down the window to view your contacts, and then add the contact by tapping the contact name in the list.

Figure 3 You can view contacts that start with a letter or number by tapping the letter or pound (#) button, respectively, at the right side of the window.
After you tap a contact, a check mark appears in the check box to the left of the contact’s photo (or a placeholder image). Note that you can search for a contact in the list by tapping the Search box at the top of the window and then typing your search terms. As you type, a list of contacts appears in the list below the box. The list changes as you type more characters to show contacts that meet your search criteria. If you decide you want to revise or abandon your search, tap the Close icon (it looks like an X) at the right side of the Search box to delete your search terms and start over.
When you finish selecting the contacts to add to the group, tap Done at the right side of the window’s blue menu bar that appears at the top of the window. The number of members in your group appears in parentheses to the right of the Add Member text. You can add more members by tapping Add Member and repeating the instructions in this section.
When you finish adding members, tap Save at the right side of the window’s blue menu bar located at the top of the window. The new group appears within the Integrated Groups section; tap the group name to view all the contacts in the group on the right side of the screen. In this example, I added the Professionals group, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 The number of contacts within the Professionals group appears in parentheses to the right of the Professionals group name.
After you add one or more contacts to a group, the number of contacts in the Not Assigned group drops by the number of contacts you added to the new group. For example, I added one contact to the Professionals group, and as a result the number of contacts in the Not Assigned group dropped from 254 to 253.