Changing Layout Views
In Chapter 3, I mentioned three different ways to view records on a layout: Form view, List view, and Table view. To change the view, click on one of the three view buttons in the Status Toolbar or select a command from the View menu.
The layout we are working with now displays multiple records at the same time. Therefore, this layout displays records in List view. The layout we were previously working with displayed only one record at a time. It was displaying records in Form view.
Experiment with the different view options, and notice how the appearance of the layout changes. On the current layout, displaying the records in Form view isn’t much help to us. However, click the button to change to Table view, and you see that the records are now displayed as a spreadsheet-like table.
To experiment with views further, change back to the layout we were originally using (Desktop > Contact Details).
When you view a layout in Table view, some additional functions are available that you might not realize. For example, notice that the field names are used as the column headers. You can click on a column name to easily sort the records based on the values in that column. You can also hover over a column header, and an arrow appears to the right of the column name. Click on that arrow, and a menu of additional options is displayed.