Game Design Prototyping: Introducing the Unity Development Environment
Downloading Unity
First things first, let’s start downloading Unity. The Unity installer is over 1 GB in size, so depending on your Internet speed, this could take anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours. After you’ve gotten this process started, we can move on to talking about Unity.
As of this writing, the latest major version of Unity is Unity 4. Because Unity is under constant development, the current minor version should be something like 4.x.y, with the x and y being sub-version numbers. Regardless of version, Unity is always available for free from Unity’s official website:
This should take you to a page that provides the latest download link for your system (see Figure 16.1). Unity is available for both PC and OS X, and it is nearly identical on both platforms.

Figure 16.1 The web page to download Unity