J2ME XML Development Using kXML
Bryan Morgan was the founder of the Wireless Developer Network. He is currently an independent consultant and writer focusing on the wireless industry. Mr. Morgan is a regular contributor to InformIT on wireless application development topics.
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In an earlier four-part series for InformIT, I introduced the basics of Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) development. J2ME is a slimmed-down version of the venerable Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) designed for mobile computing devices with limited display, bandwidth, storage, and processing capabilities. In my previous article, I built a simple application named AddressBook that demonstrated J2ME's GUI and data-storage capabilities (using the J2ME Record Management System). In this article, we'll take a huge leap forward by adding support for XML data retrieval to our application, using the Open Source kXML parser—the first XML parser built specifically for J2ME.